Yeah JS, It's a bit annoying, Unfortunately Robbie the stretcher is quite couthy
and doesn't bat an eyelid
Although He did Hiss at the Ginger Ninja when it was Trapped in the Kitchen, but that would mainly be due
to the fact that Ginger Cat could not get out, and Kinda reminded me of a Frightened Bull in a China shop
Running around daft and Jumping about, I just Calmly went over and opened the door, In his panicked state
He was still trying to get out of the Cat Flap, I have seen this Cat Before, well.. over a year really, it frequents
the Garden a lot, I think it stay's across the road, but not sure??
But It is one of those Furbabes that Just Stares / Glowers at you, and the moment you take one step closer It's OFF !!
It was in the Garden Last Night, sitting beside the Old Shed, as soon as our eye's Met, it Scampered off
On a Brighter note, Robbie the Stretch actually used the Cat Flap to come in, so it's good to know He will Squeeze
through it if He must
still insist's on the door being opened for him tho