Thank you all for the words of comfort and advice
it is also comforting to know that I am not the only person with cat poo photos
much like that saying - "if you died tomorrow, would you be happy with what people will find on your PC" I can say that I pity who ever cruises my phone they'd think i'd I was some sort of Feline Fetish Freak. Their memories of me forever tarnished
The Vet was very good
she said that she couldnt feel any sort of mass in his stomach
but as Nuggie prefers to use the surrounding gardens (
sorry neighbours!) rather than the litter tray a time scale or whether its a one off or regular occurance is hard to determine - so she opted for a full bloods, if I wanted to go ahead - so he will have a full screen and the results should be back by Thursday. She also gave him an antibiotic injection as a precautionary measure until the results come back
She was concerned with the increase in water drinking and under them ulta bright lights his fur looked very be-draggled
another shock
so kidneys everything will be checked.
So i'm happy (albeit nervous too!) that he will have an MOT. She was really good and helpful.
She certainly didnt give me the impression that he was in a dire situation
and that, like everyone has said it could be an upset stomach, worming etc, or just generally under the weather - but I think the Blood Test will at least put my mind at rest and better now than if he got really poorly
Nuggie was very brave and was a model patient...although he cried like he was headed for the Abattoir all the way there and back
and also not to miss out Peanut has had a flu/cold so he was also taken, sneeze ridden and snotty eyed, but a touch of sinititus and nothing respiratory...what a week!!....but he too had an injection, which I'm sure Nuggie will snigger about LOL
think i need a few units
Thank you all so much
and heres to good news Thursday!!