Sheila - thank you so much for all your help and for keeping Lucy's and the babies info up to date.....
Whole Lucy's story can be found here - last 2 pages got very recent kitty photos : is a lot of photos and videos on her thread on MSE if anyone wants to have a look.....
But all credit to my daughter, she has heard about Lucy and decided to take her on, she does all the work of looking after them - and she works full time and studies full time herself but between her and her b/f they decided to see this little family of kitties right to the very happy end. Lucy lives at my daughter;s and is being looked after there.
I am just the one over the net pulling resources and begging for help if we need it - and we had a lot of help and we are very grateful for it.
AS Sheila has mentioned, we have lost one of the babies yesterday morning, I guess it is just one of those things - he was born the smallest he was the last to open his little eyes and he was generally much weaker then the other 5 - my daughter rooh him to the vets late evening yesterday and he stayed there overnight but poor little mite died at 5 am...
I am sure our old cat Tiger who died last year (kidney cancer) is looking after litthe Thomas up there on the Rainbow Bridge
We have homes for 3 of the 5 kitties and for the little mum Lucy as Sheila mentioned - we are still looking for a lovely home for the remaining 2 little boys (we are 90% sure they are boys), they are both tabbies but with different markings.. photos attached
Shita - thanks a million again and thatnk to everyone visiting this thread and Lucy's thread on MSE - very much appreciated.