Not quite yet Helen, Dylan is still hissing at poor Hobbes and giving him the odd swipe but it is getting better and they have been lying asleep on the armchair about 6 inches away
The trouble was that not only did Hobbes smell like the vets but he was very boisterous when he came back and wanted to follow Dylan everywhere and Dylan wasn't having any. Today Dylan is veering between hissing at him and then sniffing and giving the odd lick - Hobbes is very confused bless him
I expect the fact that he is now neutered is confusing Dylan a bit too. On the recovery front Hobbes is fine, I split the two of them up last night which meant Hobbes kept me awake between 3 and 4.30 jumping onto the wardrobes and generally running around so I think you could say he has recovered
He's used the litter tray for a wee but no poo yet but then he had nothing to eat from Sunday at 6pm until he came home last night so not surprising. He's being good and not licking himself too much so we shouldn't have any problems. Hopefully the two of them will be back to being friends in a day or two