Smartie seems to have some kind of problem inside his nose - the vet isn''t sure but most likely is a tumour
I took him back last night and he said a x ray will only be for his advantage and there is nothing he can do if it is.
It could be benign -but its made his eye weep a bit and it looks slightly smaller than the other eye.
His nose looks fatter across than it did and he thinks there may be fluid there -but that invbolves sedation and a needle putting in to draw the fluid out to see what it is .
He is well , eating and drinking ok , but starting to look old now ( he is 14 1/2).
We are tring antibitics first to see if it is some kind of infection inside his nose -but because of his heart problem he doesn''t want him on steroids just yet as it can cause more problems than he has now -including heart failure and his herpoes flare up.
He needs special healing vibes for a very special cat who means everything to me .