Here are my current fosters (minus mum)
The 2 gingers and the white kitten (Charlie, Tony and Bella) are 4 weeks old. The dark tabby (Stanley) is only 1 week old and was rejected by his mother. He arrived today having been syringe fed for 48 hours and Mummy (Lilly) scooped him right up and he started suckling straight away!
I am so over the moon! it's wonderful :D
I have a heat pad to keep him warm as mum is now spending more time away from kittens, I have emergency milk in case she rejects him for some reason, I am going to get up every 2 hours to make sure he's getting feeds, and I've been shown how to stimulate his poos (although Lilly is already doing this for him!) and I'm well aware that even with all this he may still not survive as the other 2 from the little have already gone
Is there anything else I need to know? I've never had kittens before let alone such a special one!
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