had a couple of days of well, a kind of hell.
after finding out Ginger and Fred both have CRF my other cat family (that lives with my mum, but are still my babies) well, Dog has had a serious health problem.
He had cystitis and my mum booked him in for the vet for the next appointment (which was yesterday) but by the time he was taken in he was blocked and admitted.
It turns out this had been rumbling on for a while and his bladder was completely full and close to bursting. They tried to catheterise but he had shredded the end of his willy and they were worried about his kidneys.
They spent the night draining his bladder through his tummy with needles and he was given the last chance today for the drugs to work and catheterise him this afternoon. The option of feminising was raised but considered too risky due to the state of his willy and the infection in his system.
I got the train to my mums at 7 this morning having had 3 hours of sleep, convinced from what I had heard from my mum that we would be saying goodbye to my beloved Dog, an ex semi-feral who fears anyone else but us and who still, at 10 years old acts like a silly kitten and is a big grey bear of a cat with cotton wool crinkly fur and who loves wrestling with his sister Kwamie and his friend Mazza who he dragged into our house as a very poorly stray years ago. I have never seen such big feet on any other cat!
anyway, the vets said they would really try to get a catheter in but if not he would be pts while still under as it would be best for him. Despite everything, the catheter has worked!!! He is still very poorly but his bladder is now draining and clear of the stones, crystals and sediment that had blocked him up. He was completely out of it when I saw him but there is hope now at least. He is going to be in for 48 hours and then will need urinary food, just need all the good vibes possibly for my gorgeous boy, hoping he can get physically better and it doesnt affect his trust with us and his mental state.
sorry for the rambling, it has been a very long and draining couple of days worrying and crying.