Haha Rosella, you got the new kitten blues already!
Over the years I've variously washed cameras, gameboys, wallets, shoes, mobile phones, wads of cash and the occasional piece of clothing in between.
So many times I've been convinced that a cat was seen to go in and not come out, I've unloaded the machine two or three times in panic, only to find the "missing" culprit sitting directly behind me mugging at his pals.
Every single one of my cats has visited the inner workings of the machine, luckily to be spotted before the door was shut and the dial turned, so, there but for the grace of God, go I.
What is it about that dark, soggy, chemical-smelling place they find so compelling? Usually you can't bribe them into a nice warm fluffy cat bed that cost you a weeks wages, never mind a cold, dark, wet hole?