Author Topic: RIP our beloved 'Harley' & welcome to our new babies.  (Read 3666 times)

Offline Jiji

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Re: RIP our beloved 'Harley' & welcome to our new babies.
« Reply #12 on: July 26, 2011, 17:31:28 PM »
Hello and  :welcome:  to Purrs  :) . Sorry to hear about Harley, but look forward to hearing more about Treacle and Toffee.

Offline Yvonne

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Re: RIP our beloved 'Harley' & welcome to our new babies.
« Reply #11 on: July 24, 2011, 11:49:06 AM »
Hi Ami

 :welcome:  to the forum

Sorry to hear the sad news about Harley

Pleased to have you on board
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Offline Lady Magic

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Foods, poo's and what to do with number 2's
« Reply #10 on: July 23, 2011, 19:11:04 PM »
Opppppps, forgot to tell you all , I write for a living.

My first book which is still in its re-write .......... :censored: as the publisher wants it in a whole book form and not 12 chapters  :Crazy: is a    autobiographical  comedy book about what its like being disabled and what people say and do to you without thinking !!!!!
My second book is for teenagers and its about being a 'werewolf'

I've been writing since I was about 5 years old many. many years now as I'm almost senile and definitely suffering from pre-senile  , dementia, loosing my hearing , sight and hair , knees don't bend any more and teeth .....well I can caught more not mine than are mine but other than this I'm Ok ....well that's what I keep saying to myself in a convincing manner  :evillaugh:

Ah..........boys need feeding again , I've just cooked 2 large Atlantic cod portions  and defrosted 3 large chicken breasts , I tell you they eat better than we do , but for a reason . :shocked: when they arrived here within  hours they both had upset tummy's and the vet suggested that I put them straight onto a chicken and fish diet with some good quality dried kitten so we bought ....wait for it ............. a 6 kilo bag  of each : Turkey & rice....Duck & & rice and lamb & rice from the  James well beloved kitten food range  and almost cleared out Iceland's fish & chicken section . :wow: :wow: :wow:

They also had a course of antibiotics each and we have been scrupulously clean with bowls, food, water , litter trays  and the tummy problems have all gone ( thank g**)

I also invested in one of the best kitten items I've ever bought ??????
A Tommee Tippee used  nappy storer called a 'Sangenic' which is just OMG utterly brilliant ....scooop kitten poo into nappy sack .....push into unit ...turn handle twice .....gone  :wow: :wow: and it holds around a weeks kittens poo's without a smell at all coming out .
On bin day I just open the lid, cut the line of kitten poo ( all sealed up like sausages on a string) drop these into my black bag and reset the unit again for another week .............its utter heaven I can tell you and on offer at this time at about £25.00 with 6  free replacement sausage units .
Ami & her boys XXXXXX
RIP our beloved friends :
Harley , Barclay, Tor & Goldie forever chasing bunnies, birds & bones  in heaven.

Offline sheilarose

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Re: RIP our beloved 'Harley' & welcome to our new babies.
« Reply #9 on: July 23, 2011, 18:24:33 PM »

get some sleep then please do come back with you tales  :allears:

Offline Lady Magic

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Re: RIP our beloved 'Harley' & welcome to our new babies.
« Reply #8 on: July 23, 2011, 17:18:37 PM »
Thank you all for your warm welcome and kind works. :Luv: :Luv:

I have already tried to post photo's of the boys and Harley but have failed miserably so hopefully  husband Mark who is the computer genius of the family will sort some out for me later today , he's unwell with spine pain at the minute ( something he gets 4 /5 times a week)

I have a number of questions to ask , which I will do in the appropriate forum pages in the next few days.

At the minute 'The boys' are having an afternoon nap after watching  'Loch Ness' with me , they are tired out from the wonderful new game of  'lets wake mum up at 4 am in the morning  by sitting on her head and  grabbing her around her neck ' :wow: :wow:    this worked very well  and they are now considering trying the 'lets see if we can prise mums eyes open with a paw mode ' later this evening  ;D

If you read in the papers of some strange  woman being taken into hospital  wearing a baseball mask , bowler hat and full battle armour in bed ....... :rofl:.......its me , well a girls gotta get some sleep anyway she can hasn't she !!!!!  :evillaugh:

Big hugs and purrrrrrrrrrs to all four legged furry bottomed critters  Ami and her Boys xxxxxxxxxx
RIP our beloved friends :
Harley , Barclay, Tor & Goldie forever chasing bunnies, birds & bones  in heaven.

Offline CarolM (Wendolene)

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Re: RIP our beloved 'Harley' & welcome to our new babies.
« Reply #7 on: July 22, 2011, 19:24:27 PM »

I'm so sorry that Harley was taken from you so young but delighted that you felt able to let 2 little furries into your hearts and your lives.  :hug:

Offline sheilarose

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Re: RIP our beloved 'Harley' & welcome to our new babies.
« Reply #6 on: July 22, 2011, 16:56:00 PM »
 :welcome: to you all.

My sincere condolences for the loss of poor Harley, My God what a shocking day.

I think you'll like it here, lots to learn and plenty of love and joy to share, as well as those heartbreaking times when we all need a friend.  :hug:

Offline Sam (Fussy_Furball)

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Re: RIP our beloved 'Harley' & welcome to our new babies.
« Reply #5 on: July 22, 2011, 14:49:42 PM »
Welcome to the forum.

Please accept my sincere condolences for your loss .... I'm sure Harley will be watching over you all and smiling knowing you have been able to open your hearts and home to two new babies .

As the others have said we do of course need to see pics of the new little monsters and also Harley ;)
« Last Edit: July 22, 2011, 19:27:19 PM by Sam (Fussy_Furball) »
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Re: RIP our beloved 'Harley' & welcome to our new babies.
« Reply #4 on: July 22, 2011, 14:25:58 PM »
 :welcome: to Purrs   ;D

Glad you've found us, I'm sure you'll enjoy it here.  It really is a very friendly forum with lots of friendly helpful advice, if ever needed, and of course lots of fun.

I do feel it my public duty to warn you though that it can be a teensy bit addictive  :Crazy: You have been warned  :evillaugh:

Sorry to hear about the loss of your beloved Harley, pleased to hear that the two babies have brought the joy back into your home  :hug:

Offline lau200

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Re: RIP our beloved 'Harley' & welcome to our new babies.
« Reply #3 on: July 22, 2011, 14:16:52 PM »
welcome to the forum :) you will meet many like minded people here who's cats are their lives too  :welcome:

Offline Angiew

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Re: RIP our beloved 'Harley' & welcome to our new babies.
« Reply #2 on: July 22, 2011, 09:56:14 AM »
what a sad and heartwarming story. Welcome to the forum.

of course you have broken a fundamental rule of the forum already - 

:need pics:

Offline Lady Magic

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RIP our beloved 'Harley' & welcome to our new babies.
« Reply #1 on: July 22, 2011, 00:36:38 AM »
Hello I'm Ami   :Luv2:  (the cats mother)  Mike is my son    :innocent: ( the cats little dad ) and Mark is big daddy  :P!!!!!

Harley Davidson was our very own black panther who's tail dragged on the ground , he was just so loving ,gentle and  intelligent when at 18 months old  he went to chase bunnies in heaven.  :'( :'(
Harley was killed by a  speeding boy  racer who came down our village road and as Harley stepped off the last piece of our garden onto the road , hit him head on , so on Saturday 25th  June 2001 whilst my son and I delivered some of his out grown toys and other items to the local cats/dogs home Harley died.
Having told the lady that Harley was not dead but had outgrown this lot and so we had bought him a huge 6 foot X 4 foot activity centre Mike and I went back to the car and the phone went , Mark was in a terrible state and had trouble telling me what had happened.
How we got home I will never know , but we did in some 10 minutes , on arrival my neighbours came out to console us all as by now Mike and I had broken down  and so all three of us stood in the garden sobbing our hearts out .
This is a natural thing to do ..........BUT Mike and I have very rare heart conditions which can be set off by stress or sudden shocks ( which is why the neighbours came to assist Mark)
Mark dug Harley's final sleeping place tears streaming down his face and in a great deal of pain , you see Mark my husband is disabled as well with a leg and a knee brace as well as this he is an amputee ( no right hand at all) he has a spinal condition and other major problems , but he would take no help as he struggled to dig Harley's new home.
Within an hour or so Mike my son had started to go into shock and I had to ring the doctor for help , we had to sedate him and get him laying down to stop his heart and blood pressure rising ( can go to over 250 beats a minute) the sedation didn't work all that well and they suggested having him in hospital and literately 'knocking him out ' Mike couldn't stop crying and saying ' I just want him back'  Harley was our life 24/7 , we don't drink, smoke or go out as such as we are  so ill at times and when this little black fluffy kitten arrived at our door he brought such fun, such love and such devotion to our family we now didn't know what to do without our 'furry bottomed critter'

The next morning when Mike woke up I had already been up for hours on the net and tracked down a number of kittens for sale in Devon  I had spoken to our vets, doctors and Mikes consultant about this idea for Mike had been crying on and off all night and things had become no better for all of us .
So I took the  big decision to go and see a few new kittens which where ready to be taken home and walked down the path with the cat carrier, Mike came running after me and asked what I was doing , when he heard I was going to look at kittens he wanted to come with me , so off we set at 2.00 pm on the 26th June.
As soon as we arrived at the home of the seller one kitten ( 9 weeks old ) got up and came right over to Mike pawing at his trousers, I had already explained on the phone to the seller that Mike might start to cry ( and he did ) hugging Mike close I suggested that we take him home and may be his twin brother as well as they really did need a new home now.
We arrived home some 4 hours later with: ' Treacle '( pudding)   a beautiful cream and brown /flecked tabby & 'Toffee' ( sauce) a black and off white tabby .............who to this day ( almost 4 weeks now) have taken all the hurt and pain away and who have given Mike hours of happiness and something to look forward to again.
NO ........we have no replaced Harley ( Big H as we now call him ) we have taken in two kittens to our home and our hearts when we needed them the most and its as if Big H is still here  showing them what to do and what not to do , silly things that only I did with him now Treacle is doing !!!!

My son is not a small boy of 7-8 years old  he is a man of  20 + ( disabled with Postural Orthostatic  tachycardia syndrome )
a very rare and horrible condition which I passed on to him, and my husband and I are coming up to our late 50's but our animals have always been the heart of our home and now 'The boys' have arrived all our hearts are beating strong and clear and life is so soft and furry , thanks to the two wonderful little furry bottom critters who have come to join our family .

Lady Magic .....Treacle   ;D  & Toffee   ;)  .xxxxxxxxxxxx
RIP our beloved friends :
Harley , Barclay, Tor & Goldie forever chasing bunnies, birds & bones  in heaven.


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