Author Topic: Do cats get on with rabbits?  (Read 2388 times)

Offline JenGeorgieBob

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Re: Do cats get on with rabbits?
« Reply #2 on: July 06, 2011, 22:41:11 PM »
It you are getting kittens I would imagine they would be ok with careful introductions.
My bunny, Tim has always got on with cats and when she used to live with my mum she had a large larder type cupboard to herself for the winter months with a baby gate on and the cats used to bring her presents and sleep curled up with her,
now she tries that with my cats but they really aren't sure what she wants to do! and as she is quite large, she is intimidating for them so they run away from her  :rofl: my big beefy Benji in particular as she especially likes him!
so, as long as you keep an eye on both bunnies and kitties, then I think it will be fine, it has worked for me anyway.
good luck tomorrow! hope you get some sleep tonight!

...pick yourself up, dust yourself off, start all over again...

Offline lostsouls65

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Do cats get on with rabbits?
« Reply #1 on: July 06, 2011, 21:03:45 PM »
As some of you know tomorrow is the day I adopt 2 kittens from our local rescue  :Luv:
I was wondering do kittens and rabbits get along? I have 3 lovely bunnies and they often come inside to nose around  :sneaky:

Obviously I will have to keep an eye on them but someone told me cats will harm the rabbits?

Any suggestions  ;)


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