Author Topic: Re-Homing - General Advice  (Read 4767 times)

Offline poppycat

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Re: Re-Homing - General Advice
« Reply #20 on: July 05, 2011, 14:05:52 PM »
I understand what you are saying - it won't be plain sailing but amongst  all the things that won't work out and go wrong, there will be times that it will.  Successes and failures will be part of the learning curve.  The alternative is doing nothing. Surely its worth a try.

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: Re-Homing - General Advice
« Reply #19 on: July 05, 2011, 13:56:05 PM »
You are looking at this from a business sense which is fine but many rescues would not want to make a lot of stuff available to a rescue on here has been badly caught by two trusted volunteers at completely different times.

The making of bullet points and stuff takes time and most rescues do not have thetime or the IT skills to do this.

I think you have great ideas but the reality is for most rescues, it just doesnt work.

As you will see below, many want fosters but the fosters and the area have to be the same and driving is essential. Unless you are RSPCA or CP that have a system in place that can handle the probs when things go wrong, and check out the people...............all time consuming...........the whole bloomin thing becomes too hard to handle.

Any system whereby volunteers cant get to info by themselves is too time consuming and restraints put on them by the rescue in terms of wording etc on websites, just doesnt make it feasible and the learning curve is to long. You have to remember that many of the well intentioned out there know very little about cats and even less about rescue and often its just a passing interest and they dont have the passion and commitment that most rescues have.

Sorry I know I am putting a real downer on this but have come across all of this personally and in the end one gives up because its all too difficult

Offline poppycat

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Re: Re-Homing - General Advice
« Reply #18 on: July 05, 2011, 13:53:40 PM »
That section and the 'urgent homes' section could be highlighted by having a 'scrolling banner ad'  running along the top at all times.    The info constantly refreshed with changing appeals.

Offline snarf

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Re: Re-Homing - General Advice
« Reply #17 on: July 05, 2011, 13:45:15 PM »

Offline poppycat

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Re: Re-Homing - General Advice
« Reply #16 on: July 05, 2011, 13:44:23 PM »
The rescue would need to provide details - but these can be just brief in bullet point form.  What takes time and skill is for someone to put that info together into a readable article and actually send it off somewhere and then follow it through.  Print off posters etc and send them to local businesses etc  The ideas in the thread about 'Try before you adopt' are really good, but it needs someone to do the leg work.  Someone to reply to emails. Someone to sort out paperwork  etc etc.  All of these things can be done remotely.  Huge outsourcing companies around the world do this commercially every day for businesses on the other side of the world. 

Those who actively want to work with cats need to make themselves available to do so.  If you can't drive etc, then consider doing something else that will help. Lots of people will come with unrealistic expectations and be totally unsuitable - just have to be honest with them.  Conversely there will be a large untapped resource of people who will help in the most unexpected ways.

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: Re-Homing - General Advice
« Reply #15 on: July 05, 2011, 13:40:59 PM »
Here it is and not much used as you will see,115.0.html

One of problems on Purrs is that many only read certain sections of Purrs rather than use the read all unread posts list. So they never see much of the stuff that is posted not even the titles.

You can now delete the posts from that list if you have no interest unlike on the old software, so no need to have pages and pages of unread posts unless you are new to doing it this way and the easy option is to delete all unread posts and start from all new posts.

Offline ronandcats

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Re: Re-Homing - General Advice
« Reply #14 on: July 05, 2011, 13:40:46 PM »
 I have run my cattery for 11 yrs done it all put adds out, been advertising in our  local rag been on the radio you name it i have done it,I think people think its easy but when you have about 40 cats to clean out, to feed, and change litter trays, they change there mind, but I do have some very good volunteers, if it wasn't for them I could not take in as many poor little stray mums and kittens and unwanted cats as we do,

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: Re-Homing - General Advice
« Reply #13 on: July 05, 2011, 13:34:16 PM »
Perhaps this forum could develop a remote volunteer section. 

like a 'help offered' section? i think thats a good idea

I think we have one already!

Where ummmmmmmmmmm cant remember lol

Offline poppycat

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Re: Re-Homing - General Advice
« Reply #12 on: July 05, 2011, 13:32:13 PM »
Yes exactly that. People from different walks of life might want to help that you'd never think of : Disabled, housebound, students, people out of work.  They may even do it for their own benefit eg something to put on their CV or to gain experience.  Whatever their motivation if someone can help and someone else needs it, put the two together. 

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: Re-Homing - General Advice
« Reply #11 on: July 05, 2011, 13:28:34 PM »
One of the problems about your last sentence is, that you do have to be able to get into the rescue to get the info, because if you cant the rescue has to provide the info for you and therefore nothing is won.

Also many rescues have their own way of presenting themselves and their cats and unless you live in their heads you can never do it right for them.

Many people want to actually work with the cats rather than do publicity and stuff and ironically most cant drive.

Yes I am speaking from experience......sigh

Offline snarf

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Re: Re-Homing - General Advice
« Reply #10 on: July 05, 2011, 13:24:09 PM »
Perhaps this forum could develop a remote volunteer section. 

like a 'help offered' section? i think thats a good idea

Offline poppycat

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Re: Re-Homing - General Advice
« Reply #9 on: July 05, 2011, 13:05:08 PM »
Perhaps I'm being naive, but I think there probably are motivated people like me near you - May be not loads but one is better than none. I suspect they have never heard of you or you of them.  It's also a volume game - for every probably 20 potentials only may be 1 will actually be suitable and follow through.   

What's needed is publicity - on going and relentless. You need active fosterers on your doorstep, but publicity help could come from anywhere in the country with the internet.  Perhaps this forum could develop a remote volunteer section.  There could be PR, marketing, accounts and design people who are reading these forums and who would help remotely.  One person writing an an article about a rescue especially if it was a feel good story could maybe get it into a local paper.  May be some IT people are browsing the forum who will redo a website for a rescue.  So many small rescue sites I've been on don't have a 'donate' button.  Others I have mange to donate to, I've never heard from either at the time of donation or on going.  If I'm motivated enough to donate once, you could probably get people like me to continue doing so by sending regular updates etc.   All of these things however take time on the part of the rescue and I understand you probably don't have the time to do so, so why not try and see if others will do it for you.

Offline ronandcats

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Re: Re-Homing - General Advice
« Reply #8 on: July 05, 2011, 11:55:56 AM »
Wish you were near us we cant get volunteers, if i do they never last to long  :-:

Offline poppycat

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Re: Re-Homing - General Advice
« Reply #7 on: July 05, 2011, 11:19:25 AM »
Seems like this is a bit of a catch 22 situation - fosterers want to help. Rescues don't seem to have time to follow through on leads. Fosterer / potential adopter eventually loses interest.  I'm still waiting for anyone to get back to me !!!??? !!- have contacted small and large local charities. 

May be we need some intermediate organisation to help with admin, publicity, fundraising, following through leads for small rescues.  The recession is bad for animals, but conversely there must be tons of people with time on their hands who've got skills and  time they will be happy to donate. 

Offline snarf

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Re: Re-Homing - General Advice
« Reply #6 on: July 01, 2011, 23:33:39 PM »
We're desperate for fosterers and volunteers in nottingham as well. When i first contacted about whether help was needed it took months for someone to get back to me and months more for an actual foster to be placed with me, despite the charity being over run. its frustrating when you want to help but feel like your not being utilised! i think that with some rescues theyre so busy fire-fighting they lose track of who they mean to call back or messages get lost between areas. i cant believe that there is anywhere that isnt struggling at the moment.

Offline Gillian Harvey

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Re: Re-Homing - General Advice
« Reply #5 on: July 01, 2011, 22:13:46 PM »
We are absolutely desparate for fosterers at the mo (we are based in north Wilts), we also need helpers for our charity shop which raises money for the cats. Rehoming seems to be at a standstill  :( and yet we are still being asked to take in more cats.

Offline Angiew

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Re: Re-Homing - General Advice
« Reply #4 on: July 01, 2011, 21:39:03 PM »
anyone in coventry give me a shout! can't get help at all in these here parts....

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: Re-Homing - General Advice
« Reply #3 on: July 01, 2011, 19:37:53 PM »
Its sad but true, its often very hard to find a rescue that wants help............they may need it but not in their eyes!

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Re: Re-Homing - General Advice
« Reply #2 on: July 01, 2011, 17:39:26 PM »
I've seen a few posts like yours on here, people wanting to help and get involved but either receiving no response or being told no help is needed!

From the small cross-section of rescues we have on here, from all over the UK, that seems to be completely at odds to them. They are over-run with many having to turn cats away as their doors are closed to new intakes  :(

Have you had a look at this list There may be smaller rescues that you weren't aware of that may need help.


Offline poppycat

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Re-Homing - General Advice
« Reply #1 on: July 01, 2011, 17:13:13 PM »
Hi All

Can I ask those of you who are involved in rescue and re-homing how its all going.  Do you have enough homes for your felines. The reason I ask is because I'd like to do something to help with re-homing, but not sure if there's any need or not. Where I am in ( Berkshire), doesn't seem like many of the rescues are looking for help - nobody seems to want volunteers. No one wants fosterers ....good I suppose, but somehow not sure whether this is because there really is no big issue and every cat in Berkshire has a lovely home or whether the rescues have got plenty of spaces. 

It strikes me that there are probably quite a lot of people like me who want to help, but no one wants our help !!     Also a bit concerned that those who are looking to adopt aren't getting timely communication with rescues and therefore end up getting cats / kittens from other places.


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