It's always nice to hear of people taking their pets abroad, they're such important family members I don't get how people could ever contemplate leaving them behind
Bertie came over from Australia as his owner/slave (Also an Aussie) had an opportunity to work in the UK for at least 3 years. They also brought their other cat an older female cat as well - who would only eat raw Kangaroo meat - common for cats in Australia but we were able to source that from my local butchers
Both cats went through the 6 months tests/vacs procedure to get their pet passports and were able to come straight off the flight to the UK and home with their slave.
Due to a relatives ill-health, they had to return to Australia after a year and the two cats had to spend 3 weeks in quarantine in Australia when they went back. But my friend employed a cat cuddler who was able to spend a lot more time with the the cats on top of the time the quarantine staff did.
There was no way they were going to leave their pets either time - they are defo part of the family