We've been working with CP , RSPCA and Cat Action Trust to organise events over the summer to offer cheap chipping and neutering.
We've done this before and had some nice days out.
This year we are targeting community days as well as organising our own events.
If these come off, we hope to increase the number we can do as they cost nothing for site , and most of the publicity is already being done by the community group, so its just turn up and go.
The community centres' benefit by having us as an 'attraction' at these gigs as well as the local community. We also feel that it helps promotes the idea of animals being part of the family/community as well.
Anyway, to the purpose of the post.
As its summer at lot of these days are open air events. One of the ones we have booked for is allowing us to use the hall and another we have been offered the use of a military accommodation box.
I have seen the following product on ebay and have bought one to see if it might be suitable for a secure indoor area for microchipping cats when no other option is available. Its not going to be very robust but hopefully for the use I have in mind will be enough.
It also promises to be lightweight and easy to set up. Never been camping in my life so it will be fun trying.
Just wondered what other rescues used if they have a need. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=400214866087&ssPageName=ADME:B:EOIBSA:GB:1123#vi-desc