I'm something of an old veteran at cats going missing................
Childhood/teen cat, went missing for three months, turned up in a garden of an old family friend.
Housemates cat in London, went missing, put out flyers etc, got an email with ID pic, we thought he'd been in an RTA, walked through the door 9 days later ravenous but fine............
Chilli, went AWOL for 4 days when I first got Dave, friend coming to visit me, she knows him so pops out of the bushes to say hello right outside my flat!
Chilli, went AWOL again after again deciding she didn't like Dave (you wouldn't believe she actually grooms him occasionally now!) Turned up at the PDSA when a lady took her in for a check-up as she had adopted the "stray". Scanned and found to have an owner who was just round the corner!
Little Miss, went AWOL when previous owners recaptured her one evening and took her to her new flat after she moved in with me a couple of months previous. Posters up led to them calling me to let me know.
The there was the overnight incident a few weeks ago when she was chased by a tom and two ladies took her in after witnessing it. Turns out she goes down that way of her own accord anyway and would have found her way back of her own accord but nice ladies nonetheless.
And now this. It's a wonder, as Jackspratt said, I have any hair left but it does furnish me with endless optimism that they nearly always return
But sadly I have no news for you, no responses to my posters, no calls from vets and rescues and no Little Miss.