Author Topic: Do I do it or not?  (Read 1816 times)

Offline scattycat

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Re: Do I do it or not?
« Reply #4 on: April 23, 2007, 11:42:15 AM »

Thanks for your replies (I'm Becky btw).

Not a chance we could re-home her due to us having 3 cats of our own already (with one who is very territorial!), plus we lives in rented accommodation and have had the limit of cats set at 3 (which is v. nice of them when it initially said 'no pets'!).

Not sure the people whom she's been going to would really adopt her - I've always thought that it's a bit weird to adopt a cat X doors away from your own home when they live in the same area, just incase the cat returns to home 1 as such.

We're having a few problems with another neighbour (parking problems with one set of neighbours who are 'pally' with the neighbours whom the cat is going to) so we dont really want to been seen as 'starting something else' - even though I might add it's our driveway that's being blocked, yet the people who live at the property who are doing it, dont appear to think that they're doing anything wrong and see themselves as the 'victims' and we often hear them out in the close moaning about us - but that's another story!

Offline Christine (Blip)

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Re: Do I do it or not?
« Reply #3 on: April 23, 2007, 11:30:24 AM »
I'd probably start with having a chat with the people whom the little cat seems to be adopting. It would be good to know their circustances and opinions. Possibly they might consider approaching your neighbour with a view to 'officially' adopting puddy?
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Re: Do I do it or not?
« Reply #2 on: April 23, 2007, 09:17:42 AM »
Hi Scatty (sorry dontknow your name lol)

Is there any chance this cat could be coaxed into your house? Or could you have a word with the people at the other house that she goes to?

This is not fair whats going on and you have a right to be worried.

Offline scattycat

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Do I do it or not?
« Reply #1 on: April 23, 2007, 08:49:33 AM »
I have posted before on this, but now I really am not sure what to do.

We've got a neighbour over the road from us with a cat. Originally they were a couple, but clearly split up and the cat was left with him. He's now got a new gf and doesnt spend much time at home now - and when he does he appears to work night shifts quite often so isnt home during the early evening through to early morning.

Anyway, we've been rather concerned about the cat that lives there, as she has been spending rather a lot of time outdoors (even when we had the heavy snows, the poor cat was outdoors all night in it). We've noticed that she's clearly found another 'home' someone who lives a few doors away from where she should live and spends quite a lot of time in that house - personally if I found out that was happening I'd be worried if she got locked in as she'd crept in unnoticed etc.

Anyway, this has been bugging us for quite a while now and the thing that's really topped it off is that yesterday when I was out the front him and his gf were going out and I hear him say 'oh quickly shut the door as numbskull's coming' - referring to his cat! Now I know we call one of our cats a 'little g*t' but that is in a cheeky way as he can be such a cheeky terror at times, but calling your cat which you're meant to love ... Numbskull????

We dont know whether theres any shelter in their backgarden for her (though she spends most of her time on the front door mat or in the plants out the front), but we dont think that he's got anything like a cat flap due to wanting to keep the cat out clearly.

What with the new Welfare act out now where you have to provide proper shelter and care for your cats we're now wondering whether to report him or not - and if so do we do it anonymously etc. The fact that she's out all night and he's away I would say 4 out of the 7 days a week the poor cat could get hit by a car and not be found by him till it's too late - that's our biggest worry.


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