Winston is back from the vets and seems pretty ok , a bit still not quite with it -but saying that, has managed to eat a big bowl of prawns whilst looking out his window and has now settled down for a sleep .
He has had a heart scan , x ray and bloods done .
They showed a slighly enlarged heart , so he is also on fortekor now , his bloods were all ok except his glucose? its a bit high so are keeping an eye on that and is going to see him in 6 months for possibly another scan .
All in all , what i expected with his heart . I knew for a while he had a murmour , didnt know about his glucose though .
Thats 2 cats on fortekor now !
I am just relieved he is back home with me and getting extra love and cuddles (if thats possible !!!)
Thanks for the vibes everyone