Author Topic: Has anyone had a problem with their cats being registered with multiple vets?  (Read 4134 times)

Offline Ellen2010

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Steff my 7 cats and 2 dogs are all registered at at least 2 vets some are registered at 3 vets, non have ever had a problem that my animals are registered at other vets and 3 of my animals are registered at the Bluecross also, who also do not have a problem with my animals being registered also at a private vets. 

ie cheaper spay/neuter, cheaper innoculations, emergency treatment (one vet sees the animals themselves, the others send the owners with their animals out of hours to Bluecross for emergency treatment)

The only problem with it is if you lose and animal letting the other vets know when and why.
It is better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all

Offline Steff - Petsearch Bedford HQ

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I totally appreciate your points fluffybunny and I have already gone through pretty much all of them in my head...just didn't want to write a HUGE essay on here.

Exisiting vets are larger with FULL facilities, they also have LOADS of staff and I know this all contributes to the inflated prices. In a way I am kind of paying for the priviledge of having services available to me which I am not using (but of course may need in the future).

Up until recently, I haven't had continuity of care because I have always seen a different vet on each visit and also their Practice guidelines may be uniform each vet is different so there it is not that different to me going to a whole different practice.

I wouldn't say the new vet is any better or worse, just different. Its a small practice run by a husband and wife. The care the cats have received there so far has been spot on. The kittens have been checked, vaxed, chipped and neutered there with no problems. Bourneville had his vaccs, his back teeth had a small amount of build up and I asked for logic gel before they could even recommend it lol! His weight is on his record card and he is a big boy but needs to loose a couple of pounds and has done since last year...they just offered advice on how to help weight loss.

I have only been to the new vets twice but so far so good.

So far, at my old vets, they have mainly dealt with the basics and were fine. I had one issue with Bourneville and we had an amazing vet sort him out but he left a couple of years ago. I have not been happy with the diagnosis/treatment of Soap by one vet and when I took her to see the catlady vet there she disagreed with first vet and opted for the treatment I had been recommending!

As far as notes go, I take away all the info from visits with me (mentally and in notes) so I could easily relay between vets if needs be.

Really I want to keep my old vets on side in case of emergencies, specialist treatment or if I particularly want to see the nice catlady vet. I know they won't let me because of money and I don't like their tactics.
Stephanie Novell
Lost & Found Coordinator
Petsearch UK - Bedford HQ

Offline Liz

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Steff make an appointment with one of the vets who is a partner and speak to them during your consult, I saw our newest partner today and came away with a free ID CHip for Leo and his "kitten" injections for £28.00 = he did say I was a bit cheeky but as we have so much business with them he gave in either that or Leo's yowling made him give in :shocked:I am sitting here with 54 cats and have a full history on all of them what was done, when, injections, worming etc so it can be done - of course Sweeties file was the thickest at the grand old age of 19

We keep a spreadsheet as well just to keep on top of the Clan!!!!
« Last Edit: March 31, 2011, 19:39:23 PM by Liz »
Liz and the Clan Cats and Dogs

Offline fluffybunny

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I can sort of see where they're coming from I'm afraid  :shy: 

Vaccinations are meant to take place with a full health check - what if something is discovered during a vaccination visit?  Are the cheaper ones as competent to notice things as early?  If this isn't the case, why compromise on your pet's care?  If it is, then why use the other vet at all?  If something is found ad vaccination, who would treat?  What if the specifc vet you see for the vaccs is unaware of your multiple vett-age and notes things/makes clinical notes during the visit that may actually form part of a wider picture that is needed at a later date?  What if the weights noted at the vaccination visits form part of a wider picture that is helpful in diagnosing a problem at the other vets?  What if the animal has surgery or treatment at your normal place, which may have implications for when/whether they should be vaccinated?

Of course your "usual" bet could agree to provide you with cheaper vaccinations, but then they probably work on a different pricing structure overall - e.g. their ongoing drugs, operations, consults might be cheaper to balance out more expensive vaccinations, or their premises might be more expensive, or they might have more up-to-date equipment to pay for.  Or, if everything is more expensive even after petrol and time to the other vets, why do you go there at all?  If it's because it's better and you trust the vets more (perhaps at a routine vacc they might pick up an emerging problem earlier than the other vets?), then I'd suggest that even though it's more expensive, it's worth it for the continuity of care and the good checkover from the vets you clearly trust more to spot and deal with more complicated things.  Otherwise, why go there at all? 

Sorry, just playing devil's advocate really - I'm a big fan of having a trusted vet for everything and making sure that ALL my animal's notes are together in one place so that the vet examining them whether for routine vaccinations or for a problem, have all the information available to them.  Vaccinations and routine stuff give part of that opportunity to build a relationship and trust with your vet that might get missed or diluted if you only ever turn up with a problem, IMO.
« Last Edit: March 31, 2011, 19:39:52 PM by fluffybunny »

Offline Steff - Petsearch Bedford HQ

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Thanks everyone :)

Helen, I was initially going to do that but thought I'd be honest expecting it not to cause a problem. I'm not toying with not putting anything in writting and just calling (hopefully getting a different receptionist) and just give that reason.

Liz, I did suggest that they price matched my new vets but I was speaking to the receptionist who has no say in pricing and I would have to discuss that with the partner or practice manager.

I just don't know whether to leave it and just lie or make a big fuss at the risk of having to leave my existing vets...hmmmm
Stephanie Novell
Lost & Found Coordinator
Petsearch UK - Bedford HQ

Offline Lottie (Team Svartalfheim's)

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My cats are registered at 3 vets, 1 that is 15 mins away, a mobile vet who comes here and the vets I have used since I moved to Scotland that are about an hour away.

For ultrasound scanning of pregnant females they go to the vets 15 mins away who have ultrasound facilities and are very 'clued up' on breeding animals as several breeders use them for their cats and dogs.

For general boosters, having kittens vaccinated etc the mobile vet comes here to save me taking litters of young kittens into vet waiting rooms (plus it is much easier to have the vet come here as trying to mobilise Findlay + a mum and litter of kittens is not exactly easy!).

For anything else or if it is something that the vets have seen the cat for before I moved out here then I use my beloved vets back in Aberdeen (purely because I love them lots and all 3 vets + the vet nurses are just lovely  :Luv:).

For emergencies I'd use the mobile vet as he can come here as I cannot mobilise quickly due to Findlay and all his medical kit that has to go everywhere.

All vets know about each other and have no issues with it and transfer records accordingly.
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Offline Liz

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Steff ask your current moaning vet if they will match what the other vet is offering and all yours will stay with them for everything and ask if the will deal with all your future foster cats for the same prices - I did this with one of my old CP vets and he is now one of the main used ones for CP cats and is greatful for the business in this financial climate

Sometimes they just need a nudge in the right direction my current vets give us a very good discount and I recommend them to everyone we know as they have been wonderful with my ferals and always treated the ones we have to let go with dignity and caring - I have had Partners in tears when this has had to be done
Liz and the Clan Cats and Dogs

Offline Tiggy's Mum

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If they continue being a pain I'd Just tell them you have decided against vaccinations due to them being indoor only, if they ever need any treatment at the old vets for any illnesses you can just clarify with the vet there and then that they are actually vaccinated and produce their certificates as proof if need be.

Offline Steff - Petsearch Bedford HQ

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Yes, my problem is having all my gang registered with two vets and my old vets are making a fuss about it and saying I can't do it...grrr!

Its not like I even want them to share notes or anything. The gang will be going to the new vets for boosters only (because they are £12 cheaper than my usual vets, the neutering of the boys was about 1/2 price) and to the usual vets for anything else (obviously they already hold all important notes and history that they will need).

My vets are just kicking up a fuss because they will loose my custom (and money) on the vaccinations but its not like I've only got one cat who only visits the vets once a year for a booster and that's it (if only)! If they look back at how many times I was up there last year and previous years they will see that they are not really losing out!

I'm glad others have been able to do it, now I just need to write a really good letter to the senior partner and practice manager arguing my point *sigh*
Stephanie Novell
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Offline JackSpratt

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I'm registered with most of the vets in the area! I have a main vet, but also a specific vet I use for microchipping. (Unless the cat is going for "the op" at the same time.) I've never had a problem but I did get a bit of a raised eyebrow when I mentioned another vet had taken a quick look at Astryds eye while she was being chipped by my usual vet; until I explained I was at the other vet for the cheap microchipping then he told me he understood perfectly.

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Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Very probably but they are Cp cats not the fosters own and we are talking about our own

Offline Liz

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Gill most CP cats are registered wioth different vets to the fosterers own cats I used to have CP cats at 4 different vets for different things and always asked for a copy iof the treatment they had so I could keep track of who had what and when as some vets used by rescues have various rates for different things
Liz and the Clan Cats and Dogs

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Thats not the problem Liz, this is a problem with cats that have not moved ie changed homes

When cats change vet all you have to do is ask original vet to send all records to new vets, it happens usually by fax or xrays can be sent by post.

Offline Liz

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Have to say we have never had any issue as some of our CP foster cats have been with several vets before coming to us and we asked for a complete set of records and have had no issues

Keeping all the print outs of bills also advises what each cat has had done and when

When we moved here we had an A4 lever arch file of every treatment and invoice for all the then Clan cats and dogs and also got it on CD from the vet with the vets softwear which made uploading all the medical histories for all the Clan cats - we even had to adviose our new vets on those who were no longer with us as our old vets gave us all their records to :shocked:
Liz and the Clan Cats and Dogs

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Yes have this problem but its more complicated than yours.

I had to Have Franta transferrred completely to a new vets because I needed the 24/7 cover provided by the new vets rather than Vets Now with the old.

Franta was registered with both but the new one initially refused to see him when he had seizures in the car on the way back from the old vets which was then closed.

I had to threaten them on my battery dying mobile, I was 10 mins away and thought Franta was gonna die, they then agreed to see him but on condition he was formally moved.

There is some logic to them being seen by one vets and one vet! because they only have part of the records unless they are with one.

My other 3 are still registered at both ands Sasa has been seen by the new one once and although I would like to stay with the smaller vets I can see me gradually moving all cats to the new one which has opened a branch a few miles closer to me, I have to pass them to get to the old vets.

I know my brother had a problem too and really stupid cos one or both vets would not take his new cat unless both his cats were with them!!

Offline Steff - Petsearch Bedford HQ

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Thanks Jen :)

You have made me feel like its not me, but my vets being unreasonable. I'm still fuming though, its like they are just cutting off their nose to spite their face.

Another example of a business losing out because of me being cosy savvy is Pets at Home; I used to buy all of my supplies from my local store (5 mins up the road). As my numbers increased I started to buy from Zooplus in bulk as it worked out cheaper. Occasionally I may run out of something before my monthly delivery arrives and I'll pop in to PaH. Now they don't turn round and say no you can't come here anymore because you don't buy all your supplies from here anymore...cos that would be stupid!

Stephanie Novell
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Offline JenGeorgieBob

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I think if they really want to keep your business then they should price match with the other vets to provide an incentive for you to be loyal to one vets, otherwise it is none of their business where your cats are registered!
my lot are registered with 2 vets, but one of them really disappointed me with their service about Benji's vaccines so I am sticking to the other vets for now, but it is peace of mind to know that if Fred gets another bout of cystitis or something that isn't a desperate emergency but not something I am happy to have him wait to be treated then I am more likely to be able to get an appointment if I have the option of 2 vets?
sorry to hear they were so shirty!  :hug:
...pick yourself up, dust yourself off, start all over again...

Offline Steff - Petsearch Bedford HQ

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I managed to find a wonderful vets about 30 mins from me to neuter, vaccs & chip the boys for about half the cost of my normal vets! Now that I have the 5 cats plus Esco I thought it would be prudent to switch them all over to the new vets for booster vaccinations and Bourneville went for his when I picked the boys up after their neutering and vaccs only are £12 cheaper. Obviously for 6 animals over the year, that is quite a big saving and I am not compromising on service as these vets are equally as good as my normal vets.

So I called my normal vets to advise that Bourneville won't be coming in for his booster because he has had it elsewhere so no need for a second reminder etc and they got really SHIRTY!!! They said I can't be registered with two vets blah blah blah. Initially the new vets only covered vaccs, neutering, fleas & worming treatment and basic stuff (although they can now handle everything - I called to speak to them about the situation you see). I explained to my vets that I would like to stay with them for all other treatments because I have always been with them and they are nearer (there have been times when I needed to get there quickly - when Esco got stung by a bee for example). The receptionist just basically kept saying no and I suggest that they may like to reduce their fees for me and maybe I will stay with them for everything. I now have to write to a partner about it.

I am fuming. Its not that I can't afford their fees but why should I pay over the odds and why can't I be the one who chooses where my pets go! I can understand that they are a business and they will still get my money for some reason or another.

I called the new vets to see if any of their other clients have had this problem and they said yes but its just a case of sour grapes and the vets arew wrong because people can have their pets registered with as many vets as they want.

I just wondered if anyone else has had this problem or do have their pets registered with multiple vets without a problem. I would just like to know where I stand :(

Hmmm I wonder if RCVS website will have any I trot!
Stephanie Novell
Lost & Found Coordinator
Petsearch UK - Bedford HQ


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