I don't think he's a stray but I never get more than passing glance of a black tail to see his condition properly! I don't even know when he's coming in, probably when I'm out as they're locked in at night.
I have never heard a cross word leave Dave's lips until this cat showed up but Dave has quickly learned some very colourful language! Said language is said from behind a protective cat flap with the back up of the two girls
Little Miss is definitely spayed, I saw her bald patch when I first met her and had it confirmed by previous owners, no worries on that front. I think he's just caught wind of the local gossip that I'm a soft touch crazy cat lady and he should check out the digs, unfortunately said digs come with three residents.
Putting food out is a great idea but wouldn't that only encourage him to continue to visit which isn't really ideal with him being a sprayer, not to mention I can't afford to feed a 4th, even only partially!
I have just scrubbed my front door and cat flap with biological detergent but I know it's not got rid of the smell entirely.
Trapping and having him neutered (if needed) has crossed my mind but I do think there could very well be repercussions as I'm fairly certain he's owned and with my front garden being exposed I'd rather not have abuse shouted at me if I'm ever in my garden (you'd be unhappy if a surgical procedure was carried out on your cat unknowingly, however well intentioned).