I have made the appointment for 3pm today to send her to the bridge.
She was incontinent of urine all over the carpet last night and she looks uncomfortable on her heat pad.
She wont purr when fussed and her poor nose is just running with an associated eye discharge.
I have tried antibiotics, vitamin B12, I gave her subcutaneous fluids, She has no interest in food at all.
I feel so torn apart. I know I have tried everything, but I still feel like I'm letting her down. I know that sounds stupid.
So please keep us in you're thoughts and prayers this afternoon. I love this special girl so much. A very much loved and cherished member of the ragdoll gang. I am going to find this really hard even though I have gone through this in the past.
Thank you for all you're support and kindness.
Here is a picture from when she was better. She is such a pretty girl.