Some may have seen me mention a cat last September that was reported hanging around a Little Chef in Dunkirk (Near Faversham) - I went there but the manager of the Little Chef said he hadn't seen it for ages. There is a huge wood behind and it would have been hard to get. He never phoned again until this week we had a call. I dropped a trap off and showed 2 of the staff how to work it along with 2 carrier bags of food in case it took a while. Anyway, I was just having a lie down with Laz and missed the phone - it was Angela saying the cat had walked in the trap already
- She has gone to collect it and take it to the vet. Apparently it had been limping. We are hoping it is tame enough to rehome as apparently it has been walking funny for a while - either RTA or Arthritis
- If it can't be treated and is feral, there aren't many choices (although we could ask Rhodes Minnis again if it can stay in their sanctuary) but ideally, it can be rehomed - the women said it allows them to stroke it so fingers crossed.......
I just said to Sharon it is a lucky trap as only 3 weeks ago I dropped it of to someone and a cat was in it in under 2 hours