I would just like to thank everyone for their condolencies and PM's it is so much appreciated
Hi Gillian
No, I won't be talking to the vet about the chances of it being an adverse reaction, deep
down I feel that that is what happened. apart from the not eating Olivia was still bright.
but when we came back from the vet's on wednesday night, she was obviously still under
sedation, as her Pupils were huge and she was very unsteady, she had something to eat
and drink then we put her next to a heater, when I came down in the morning, I was
expecting her to be up and about, but she basically hadnt moved ?? Her eye's were still
dilated, and over the course of the morning, I was expecting her to come to, but even I
could see she seemed to be getting worse
We took her back to the vet's ( which weren't really filling me with confidence as the two
vet's we had seen were both in their twenty's ) Olivia was examined again, and she said
she had no Idea why Oliva was in the way she was?. she went away to get another vet
for a second opinion, an older guy, and his very first words were " Oh my goodness "
by this stage Olivia could not stand and did not even have the strength to lift her head
( Her Pupils were still dilated ) same as before this vet could not understand why she was
in this state, the only thing He mentioned was about the Diazepam ( Valium ) that was
used to sedate her, going on to say that in very rare cases, some cat's can have an adverse
reaction to it, He didn't say that was what was happening, and I am no vet, but as I have
said, to me, this was the cause ( especially with the eye's still being dilated, as tho she was
still under sedation ) ontop of this the vet said that apart from her heart murmur and slight
signs of kindney issues, her blood results were practically normal.
We were given the Option of putting Olivia on a drip for a couple of hour's to see if that would
pick her up, but he was very Optomistic, it was at that point i said to him
" It looks as tho Olivia is Dying " He looked at me and said yes...it does, Carol and I had a talk
and it was decided that for Olivia, there was no option but the final kindness
Olivia is back home now, and is currently placed in one of her favorite spots
next to me on the computer desk, this was the very last photo taken of her ( 25th jan )
I'm Missing her so much