Poor Esther is distraught! For the last year and a half she has been free to come and go under the house to her heart's content. First, there was a hole in the floor for her to go through (not to mention all the holes in the wall), and then, when the weatherboards were removed to run the wiring, there was this lovely long rectangular gap she could come and go through to her heart's content.
But the big bad meany mother that I am has come to the point in the renovations where the last of these inviting gaps was finally closed yesterday afternoon. First there was the insulation batts, then the layer of insulation foil which was attached all the way along the side wall. Esther popped in to visit during the work and wandered along the wall looking for an opening. But it wasn't there!!!
This morning, clearly hoping things had improved, she worked her way along the wall again. And again. She even tried poking her nose through the side of the concrete slab at the back where the extension was added. She poked her paws between the stones. She eased her nose up under the insulation foil. All in vain.
So she spent the rest of the day on the bed sulking. I seriously doubt I am forgiven even now ....