Well he doesn't seem to have realised the link between pressing the handle and the door opening as he was in time out again last night and didn't open the door.
Poor Mosi - we're only a week into the new year and already he's had 3 all nighter time outs (plus some shorter ones). Generally time out occurs at bedtime when he's being hyper. Shutting him in the living room for 10 minutes is usually enough to calm him down and allow Jaffa to get settled on the bed. Then I can let him through and he settles down. But the past few nights he's settled down initially then got hyper at about 1.30am. Last night I didn't get to bed until well after midnight but he was quiet. Then about 1.15, just as I was nodding off to sleep, he got lively and starting playing with the bedroom door (pushing it wide open) so he got put in time out. After about 15 mins I was still awake so went to let him through. He came into the bedroom and just started running around and rubbing up against my legs when I went to the loo! So when he went into the living room and did a bit stretch and had a scratch on his scratch post, I just shut the door on him! All was well until Jaffa woke up just before 6am and started mooching around the bedroom. At that point Mosi came in and lay down on the bed by the radiator that had just come on and went to sleep! I'm afraid I bundled the pair of them out into the living room, gave them some dreamies and shut the door. Thankfully they both stayed quiet and let me go back to sleep until nearly 9am.