Ive got 10 tins of sardines in tomatoe sauce that my neighbour gave me when his dog was pts , ive never given it to any of mine before as i thought the tomatoe sauce may give them the runs
i may try them with it and see if they like it or not 
I checked the can - its a small tin and it says 0.5 grams of salt per 100 grams - so nearly 3/4 grams of salt is a lot for a cat I would have thought, especially as they can't sweat it out like us (as they only sweat from their pads)
So a once in a while treat is fine - say 1/2 can per mog - He will be after it all the time now if I know clapton

PS - when I opened the can I thought I wouldn't mind some on toast

- I used to love pilchards on toast but haven't had it for years