haha! I will have to try and take some. My run is a decent size, it covers most of the back of the house, and the french doors open into it
It is pretty bare though compared to the lovely plant arrangements in yours Gillian!
I did have a look on the FAB site last night about poisonous plants, but there was a big complicatedlist of ones not to have, and I'm far too simple to understand it Which plants did you have in yours Gillian?
Hiya, your run sounds similar to mine at the other house, french doors opening out to it.
I know what you mean about the FAB plant list - if you read that, you wouldnt put any plants in yer garden would you?!! To be honest I have a lot of plants on that list that are considered hazardous, for instance, clematis, hydrangea etc, plants that are common in many gardens, and I've had those plants in various gardens I've owned over the years, and never had a cat that decided to eat one of them! I even, at one time used to have lilies in pots, before I knew how dangerous they were!
I think perhaps the worry is that a cat in a confined space like a run, may be more inclined to have a nibble at something, than a cat that has free range.
Also, if you notice, FAB put a note at the bottom that reads
'The fact that the list contains some very common plants should not be cause for concern. Most of these potentially harmful plants taste bad and are unlikely to be eaten in sufficient quantities to cause permanent damage. Woody garden plants are also unlikely to be eaten by your cat - tender household plants pose most risk'
In the pots in the run I had things like hydrangea, hosta, bamboos, conifers, fatsia and grasses.