The little problem is indeed huge grrrrrrrrrrrrrr
I have just seen a terrified and possibly feral reaction from Pussy............I dont know if she has been mistreated or is a feral who is partly tamed but she has since last night been eyeing up the highest place in the room and have just had to clock it up to stop her getting hurt.
I know there is a gap behind the cd tower and if she was to leap onto it she is likely to fall down the back in a very small place and with pipes at the bottom.
I was watching her and she was ready to pounce so got to her as quick as I could and she reacted really badly. She tried to attack me and was hissing and moaning but also scared later when I moved to try and stroke her. I have cleared a little space on a shelf next to the tower and she has leaped from top of cat tree into that but it wasnt big enough or high enough for what she wanted, so she leapt back.
She is currently lying with her back to me on the cat tree!!
I distracted her with food from her attacking behavior but am really worried about her tonight.
Having no experience with kittens I dont know if I scared her, she reacts to no but not to changes of voice , like soft and trying to calm her. Once upset it carries on cos Franta came for a cuddle and she was lying on the lap top and he was on me and hey were only about 18inches apart and she was moaning but not as much and Franta has no interest in her....................or is he playing it crafty. I love him for being so cool
She wriggled about on the lappy and lost me my cursor and has taken forever to get it working again.
I am very worried how I am going to get Pussy in a carrier tomorrow and how she will behave in a car with another cat who is likely to shout all the way.
She is friendly but only on her terms and there is a really hostile/scared side to her. I feel she only sees humans as mother cats and feeding machines and apart from that she doesnt like them very much.
She wants to be on high which I think is normal and the higher the better, especially if its above my head, think she feels safer.
Its maybe all a reaction to her being young and in a new experience but no clue what to do to try to reassure her. Her hostilty probably is going to be massive after being in a carrier in a car and with another cat.
I would love to hear your views on what I can try to help her but dont think I will be on before I go to vets tomorrow.
Wish me luck.......sigh