Author Topic: Why don't people keep their cats inside in this weather?  (Read 9458 times)

Offline dizziblonde

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Re: Why don't people keep their cats inside in this weather?
« Reply #47 on: December 14, 2010, 14:46:15 PM »
Made me really cross last cold snap because a few doors down have just got an absolutely adorable kitten who is such a lovely little chap - and they boot him out in all weathers and the poor guy's such a people-puddy he does things like sit on my wall waiting for me to come home from tutoring for a quick chat and ear-scratch. Middle of the minus 10 degree temperatures (and I'm in the midlands so that's pretty freakishly cold)... poor mite's sat curled up under a car for warmth still (and he's so utterly adorable and still only tiny).

Gits. They don't have a cat flap or anything - only know he belongs to them since I saw them let him in ONCE. They've got a dog they can't be bothered to dog-proof the garden for either - kept finding it in our back garden before I moved and my moggy was not impressed by regularly seeing a dog about the size of a horse pop up in front of the patio doors!

Offline Fire Fox

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Re: Why don't people keep their cats inside in this weather?
« Reply #46 on: December 07, 2010, 00:40:19 AM »
:Crazy: I think I'd have ended up complaining to the head of department! Those views are completely contrary to those of the RSPCA who are, for better or worse, responsible for animal welfare in the UK.

He was also head of department but best bit he suggested I chose which was more important my cat Sophie who had been diagnosed with at that time just CRF or the HND in Animal Management and also told me to stick her in a cage whilst I was at lectures so she would of been in a cage from 8am until 6pm with travelling time.  I left the course as my Sophie came first and the following week she was diagnosed as having also ideopathic FLUTD as no crystals or bacteria or infection of any type.

Maybe in his twilight years he will hear his own relatives say much the same about his care needs. What goes around comes around ...  :censored:
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Offline Judecat (Paula)

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Re: Why don't people keep their cats inside in this weather?
« Reply #45 on: December 05, 2010, 23:25:59 PM »
What a Basket, my cats choose to  be outdoors, mostly, we have just had nice lap time. The cats always come first.
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Offline Ellen2010

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Re: Why don't people keep their cats inside in this weather?
« Reply #44 on: December 05, 2010, 23:12:35 PM »
I know when I was on an animal care course I ended up getting into an arguement with one of the lecturers over his beliefs on animals and never took much of what he said in afterwards.  So even people that are lecturers on animal care courses have the opinion cats can fend for themselves and still believe that cats should be put out on a night.  Best bit was he was teaching on responsible ownership of dogs and cats, such as neutering which he believed a male never needed doing just the female unless it was pedigree incase the owner changed their mind about breeding at a later stage with females, he was also of the belief every female animal should have at least one litter.  He could not even get about innoculations correct and ended up having to take my cats vaccination certificates in to prove that a cat is not innoculated for aneamia any more, later found out he also had two female cats as well as his pedigree dogs and he openly admitted he would never get a cross bred dog it had to be a pedigree.

So am just saying if people that teach animal care to people have those opinions nothing surprises me it is just a shame that it is the animals of these people that suffer.

 :Crazy: I think I'd have ended up complaining to the head of department! Those views are completely contrary to those of the RSPCA who are, for better or worse, responsible for animal welfare in the UK.

He was also head of department but best bit he suggested I chose which was more important my cat Sophie who had been diagnosed with at that time just CRF or the HND in Animal Management and also told me to stick her in a cage whilst I was at lectures so she would of been in a cage from 8am until 6pm with travelling time.  I left the course as my Sophie came first and the following week she was diagnosed as having also ideopathic FLUTD as no crystals or bacteria or infection of any type.
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Offline Judecat (Paula)

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Re: Why don't people keep their cats inside in this weather?
« Reply #43 on: December 05, 2010, 22:54:40 PM »
My two and my OH have a mutual dislike, but he has built them a very nice cat house in the garden, mostly cos I got so peed off about the flies and the seagulls in the kitchen. It is insulated and ventilated, feeding on the ground floor (with removable vinel(sp) so it can be properly washed) and upstairs cat beds and cushions. They come indoors once he has gone to bed and spend the nights indoors in the indoor beds.
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Offline Fire Fox

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Re: Why don't people keep their cats inside in this weather?
« Reply #42 on: December 05, 2010, 11:37:27 AM »
I know when I was on an animal care course I ended up getting into an arguement with one of the lecturers over his beliefs on animals and never took much of what he said in afterwards.  So even people that are lecturers on animal care courses have the opinion cats can fend for themselves and still believe that cats should be put out on a night.  Best bit was he was teaching on responsible ownership of dogs and cats, such as neutering which he believed a male never needed doing just the female unless it was pedigree incase the owner changed their mind about breeding at a later stage with females, he was also of the belief every female animal should have at least one litter.  He could not even get about innoculations correct and ended up having to take my cats vaccination certificates in to prove that a cat is not innoculated for aneamia any more, later found out he also had two female cats as well as his pedigree dogs and he openly admitted he would never get a cross bred dog it had to be a pedigree.

So am just saying if people that teach animal care to people have those opinions nothing surprises me it is just a shame that it is the animals of these people that suffer.

 :Crazy: I think I'd have ended up complaining to the head of department! Those views are completely contrary to those of the RSPCA who are, for better or worse, responsible for animal welfare in the UK.
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Offline CatGirl

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Re: Why don't people keep their cats inside in this weather?
« Reply #41 on: December 04, 2010, 23:52:58 PM »
Why does this woman have an animal? i wonder if it matches her furni >:(shings?

Offline Borderreiver

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Re: Why don't people keep their cats inside in this weather?
« Reply #40 on: December 04, 2010, 21:04:43 PM »
I totally agree that cats should not be left out for hours in horrible conditions.

However I have to say that my two have been leaping and prancing about, out in the deep snow. They also follow me across to the stables when I'm busy there and go prowling about in the barns. Malachi caught a tiny vole today and was very thrilled with himself, throwing it about and eating half of it, poor wee thing.

Also Sparecat the feral was right down inside a big bale of straw the other day, totally cosy away from the cold draughts.

Offline Sabrina (Auferstehen)

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Re: Why don't people keep their cats inside in this weather?
« Reply #39 on: December 04, 2010, 20:31:32 PM »
I've only seen two out in our area, one I call Kitler and the other I'd not seen before but she came up to me (she as she had a pink sparkly collar) and I assumed she has a home.

But I did go out later to check she wasn't still around, which she wasn't.

And warned my husband that if I see any cats out in the cold they can come in and stay over in the warm for a night.

Offline bunglycat

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Re: Why don't people keep their cats inside in this weather?
« Reply #38 on: December 04, 2010, 15:13:14 PM »
Well, i want to go there myself -not overly bothered about the human equivelant- just as long as i see all my cats again thats all i want.

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: Why don't people keep their cats inside in this weather?
« Reply #37 on: December 04, 2010, 12:31:55 PM »
And its called the Rainbow Bridge  ;D

Offline Rosella moggy

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Re: Why don't people keep their cats inside in this weather?
« Reply #36 on: December 04, 2010, 11:48:19 AM »
Ours have a cat flap and come and go as they please. 

Well sort of in that, as baby Groucho not yet allowed out on his own, cat flap is on "in only" unless he is locked away in bedroom which causes no end of peeing problems with the others  :( 

Can't wait until he grows up ..... what am I saying? I want him to be a baby forever  :Luv: :Luv: :Luv:  He is currently wailing like a banshee to get out again after his snow sesh this morning  :innocent:


My Mum's C of E (devout) and she believes animals have souls. (Completely off topic..... :shy:)

I asked my mom (Catholic) as a child whether cats go to heaven.  She said "of course they do but it is a special heaven for cats".
« Last Edit: December 04, 2010, 12:01:05 PM by Rosella moggy »

Offline JackSpratt

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Re: Why don't people keep their cats inside in this weather?
« Reply #35 on: December 04, 2010, 10:58:39 AM »
All of mine have the choice - and most of them stay in but Gizmo can often be seen in the garden covered in snow as he desperately tries to catch something......anything................ :evillaugh: ;) ;)

Darwin followed me out yesterday when I defrosted the birds water and started pouncing on something. I wandered across to see the object of his ferociousness.....and found it to be....a small piece of snow that I'd kicked up. :-: He's a smart one sometimes. :evillaugh:

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Offline Kirst

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Re: Why don't people keep their cats inside in this weather?
« Reply #34 on: December 04, 2010, 08:28:38 AM »
All of mine have the choice - and most of them stay in but Gizmo can often be seen in the garden covered in snow as he desperately tries to catch something......anything................ :evillaugh: ;) ;)

Offline mervyn7451

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Re: Why don't people keep their cats inside in this weather?
« Reply #33 on: December 03, 2010, 14:50:56 PM »
Well,even tho Miss Daisy is an indoor cat,she took one look outside & headed straight for my lap & has hardly moved since!!
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Offline Ellen2010

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Re: Why don't people keep their cats inside in this weather?
« Reply #32 on: December 02, 2010, 23:19:05 PM »
I know when I was on an animal care course I ended up getting into an arguement with one of the lecturers over his beliefs on animals and never took much of what he said in afterwards.  So even people that are lecturers on animal care courses have the opinion cats can fend for themselves and still believe that cats should be put out on a night.  Best bit was he was teaching on responsible ownership of dogs and cats, such as neutering which he believed a male never needed doing just the female unless it was pedigree incase the owner changed their mind about breeding at a later stage with females, he was also of the belief every female animal should have at least one litter.  He could not even get about innoculations correct and ended up having to take my cats vaccination certificates in to prove that a cat is not innoculated for aneamia any more, later found out he also had two female cats as well as his pedigree dogs and he openly admitted he would never get a cross bred dog it had to be a pedigree.

So am just saying if people that teach animal care to people have those opinions nothing surprises me it is just a shame that it is the animals of these people that suffer.
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Offline ChrisB

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Re: Why don't people keep their cats inside in this weather?
« Reply #31 on: December 02, 2010, 21:46:45 PM »
Poor things Mark, glad you are looking out for them.    Gizmo went out for about 20 seconds three days ago and since then none of them has bothered asking so I assume she must have told them what is was like !
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Offline Liz

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Re: Why don't people keep their cats inside in this weather?
« Reply #30 on: December 02, 2010, 20:56:25 PM »
Ours are grounded due to the depth of snow even the dogs aren't that keen but there drive is now walkable on with no snow dragging on their undersides as a nice man with a tractor came and cleared the drive so I could get the car out and also made a space for the Kuga once Robinhas dug it out if he gets home at the weekend!

Have to say all in all mine are being fairly well behaved about their grounding and I have a full bin of litter every day - the bags are now in the garage as I can get there and the door can now be opened after I played with a shovel and am suffering badly now who thought snow could be so heavy to move! :shocked:
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Offline Karon

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Re: Why don't people keep their cats inside in this weather?
« Reply #29 on: December 02, 2010, 20:14:47 PM »
Why do some people have animals if they're not going to look after them properly?  Poor cats :(

Ours do go out in this weather - for around 30 seconds at a time then come dashing back in.  The door is always open when they're out so they can come and go as they please, and they don't go far (and they also have a shelter to get into).  The yard cats are quite happy staying in their stable when it's so cold and snowy - anyone would think they were house cats sometimes!

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Re: Why don't people keep their cats inside in this weather?
« Reply #28 on: December 02, 2010, 18:24:29 PM »
My Mum's C of E (devout) and she believes animals have souls. (Completely off topic..... :shy:)

How's the detective work going, Mark?

Not the sort of weather or going out door-to-door. I will find out and make them pay.  :shify:

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Offline JackSpratt

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Re: Why don't people keep their cats inside in this weather?
« Reply #27 on: December 02, 2010, 17:34:52 PM »
My Mum's C of E (devout) and she believes animals have souls. (Completely off topic..... :shy:)

How's the detective work going, Mark?

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Offline bunglycat

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Re: Why don't people keep their cats inside in this weather?
« Reply #26 on: December 02, 2010, 17:08:55 PM »
Well, i think Fifi is superglued to her bed  :rofl: :rofl: she gets out to eat , use the litter tray and back in  it .
They all run round and play chase me a few times when they get bored -but soon back to bed .
The others are no better -all snuggly warm in fleecy beds with 24/7 heat pads on .
Who can blame them really !?

Offline Angiew

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Re: Why don't people keep their cats inside in this weather?
« Reply #25 on: December 02, 2010, 17:02:11 PM »

They call them selves christians -but don''t have a very christian attitude to their cats .

I think you'll find they do - they will believe that humans have a soul and animals do not and are on this earth for us to use as we see fit.

I also appreciate that there are many christians that do not think this way as well but religion gives a get out clause and most people will take advantage of one if it suits them.

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: Why don't people keep their cats inside in this weather?
« Reply #24 on: December 02, 2010, 17:01:52 PM »
Well done bungly  :rofl: :rofl:

I think some peeps attitudes to their cats are seriously terrible and of course mine make up their own furry minds as to what they are going to do.

Since this morning Sasa has been lying snuggly on the sofa in the study and looks like thats it for the rest of today,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Misa hasnt got up yet LOL........what does that boy get up to at night!  I know he was sleeping on my bed for ages during the night, didnt move while Franta was shouting!

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Re: Why don't people keep their cats inside in this weather?
« Reply #23 on: December 02, 2010, 16:54:01 PM »
My neighbours -3 doors away used to have their cats out all day and night .
Since she has found out she is expecting ,she has rehomed one to her mum miles away and the other is still here .
He is out in all weathers (not seen him the last 3 nights though) as she doesn''t like him in at night as he keeps them awake !!??
I have made many suggestions about keeping him in the kitchen etc-but another one who won''t have a litter tray in the house .

I feed him and he can shelter in one of my cat houses -they have vet bedding, a reflector type pad and fleece on top so they are cosy .

They think i am mad as i told them i don''t like sleeping without a cat or 3 on my bed .

They call them selves christians -but don''t have a very christian attitude to their cats . The woman told me if it was left to her she would have rehomed both cats - i said i would have rehomed the baby !

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Re: Why don't people keep their cats inside in this weather?
« Reply #22 on: December 02, 2010, 15:17:17 PM »

Lottie - Orion can choose for himself what he does, so that's not a problem.   And at least you're not then stood at the door saying "come on then, Paddy - what's it to be?  In or out, cos I'm freezing me tootsies off here waiting for you to decide!"     Lol!!

Offline JackSpratt

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Re: Why don't people keep their cats inside in this weather?
« Reply #21 on: December 02, 2010, 15:03:51 PM »
Can fur in general is absorbent not repellent....that should tell people something, eh? ;) I've seen piccies of those runs, Lottie. They look lovely.

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Re: Why don't people keep their cats inside in this weather?
« Reply #20 on: December 02, 2010, 14:00:04 PM »
Poor cats Mark  :(  I do not agree at all with cats being made to stay outside in all weathers with no adequate shelter, food or defrosted water. The whole 'they have fur' argument is a load of rubbish as most cats do not have an adequate coat to live outside all through the winter.

Hmmm I'm not exactly sure if I fall into the 'making them stay outside' category or not as whilst Orion does live in his house and run in our garden all year round it is totally up to him whether he wants to stay in his house with all his creature comforts or whether he wants to sit out in his run in the cold and snow and he can go in and out of his house as he pleases plus he does have a coat designed for living outside.
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Re: Why don't people keep their cats inside in this weather?
« Reply #19 on: December 02, 2010, 12:45:37 PM »
I read this because I was going to post and say if I confined my lot they'd get cabin it is they're staying in mostly (through choice) due to the weather and starting to exhibit the signs anyway! :evillaugh:

But yet again I'm saddened to read about people thinking it acceptable to not walk dogs (or get them the op), and leave cats out in all weather with no shelter or food bases. The number of times I've had the "but they'll be fine, they've got fur" conversation is maddening. >:( Hope you find out where they live Mark, so you can report the owner.

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Re: Why don't people keep their cats inside in this weather?
« Reply #18 on: December 02, 2010, 12:36:25 PM »

Grrrrrrr indeed.  I am sick and tired of trying to persuade her to think again about the situation with the cat and the dog, because it genuinely grieves me. 

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Re: Why don't people keep their cats inside in this weather?
« Reply #17 on: December 02, 2010, 12:30:04 PM »

There's a dog, as well Den.......   :doh:  Unneutered, not vaccinated, no microchip and no insurance.  It "gets out" (has a spare set of keys, to hear her talk)

GRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!  >:( >:( >:(

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Re: Why don't people keep their cats inside in this weather?
« Reply #16 on: December 02, 2010, 12:27:10 PM »

There's a dog, as well Den.......   :doh:  Unneutered, not vaccinated, no microchip and no insurance.  It "gets out" (has a spare set of keys, to hear her talk)

Offline Feline Costumier

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Re: Why don't people keep their cats inside in this weather?
« Reply #15 on: December 02, 2010, 12:26:02 PM »
My two are going a bit stir crazy, particularly Dave (and all he does when he goes out is visit my neighbour! :evillaugh:).

They are both rather miffed at having to use the litter tray as they both love going outside, I have lovely sandy soil so I think that's what makes them prefer toileting outside.

Dave pops out still when he hears my neighbour come in our out but that's it. Chilli I think goes out for a quick wander just to make sure the snow is still as deep as it was yesterday then come straight back in to the warmth again.

I agree, it's fine if they are out through choice but when forced to go out in this weather, even if it is just to do their business because they have no litter tray, it's cruel.

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Re: Why don't people keep their cats inside in this weather?
« Reply #14 on: December 02, 2010, 12:25:14 PM »
I work with a girl whose cat is outdoors during the day, summer or winter regardless, as she won't have a litter tray in the house (dirty) and won't install a cat flap (it'll ruin the look of the door).  She won't leave the cat inside if she's not there, as it might soil in the house.

People who have this opinion (in my opinion) shouldn't have animals. She clearly thinks more of her house than the cat  >:(

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Re: Why don't people keep their cats inside in this weather?
« Reply #13 on: December 02, 2010, 12:24:08 PM »

Mark, you made the point I was about to.  The difference between a cat that positively enjoys being out in the snow, and those that have no choice. 

I work with a girl whose cat is outdoors during the day, summer or winter regardless, as she won't have a litter tray in the house (dirty) and won't install a cat flap (it'll ruin the look of the door).  She won't leave the cat inside if she's not there, as it might soil in the house.

It drives me nuts, and I've said so quite vociferously, but she won't relent on the subject.

Have to wonder why she has a cat in the first place  :scared: :scared:

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Re: Why don't people keep their cats inside in this weather?
« Reply #12 on: December 02, 2010, 12:19:53 PM »

Dawn, Paddy nips outside shaking his trouser legs in turn as he makes the slink from back door to beneath the garden table, thence under the hedge to do his thing, before his trouser leg shake on the way back again.   :evillaugh:

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Re: Why don't people keep their cats inside in this weather?
« Reply #11 on: December 02, 2010, 12:17:13 PM »

Mark, you made the point I was about to.  The difference between a cat that positively enjoys being out in the snow, and those that have no choice. 

I work with a girl whose cat is outdoors during the day, summer or winter regardless, as she won't have a litter tray in the house (dirty) and won't install a cat flap (it'll ruin the look of the door).  She won't leave the cat inside if she's not there, as it might soil in the house.

It drives me nuts, and I've said so quite vociferously, but she won't relent on the subject.

Offline Dawn F

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Re: Why don't people keep their cats inside in this weather?
« Reply #10 on: December 02, 2010, 12:16:04 PM »
totally agree Mark, mine have the cat flap so go out if they want, Star (the long haired one) really doesn't mind it much and prefers to drink outside so I have to keep
unfreezing the water bowl!  that said when oh phoned earlier they were all fast asleep indoors

Offline Cooper & Peanut

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Re: Why don't people keep their cats inside in this weather?
« Reply #9 on: December 02, 2010, 12:14:08 PM »
I'd love to keep Peanut in but she just sits scratching at the catflap! She doesn't stay out long though!  :evillaugh: I lock it at night, cuz if anything did happen I would be oblivious!

I'm still grateful Cooper HATES the outside  :evillaugh: ;D  Although curiosity did get the better of him this morning, I lifted the catflap and he stuck his head through......soon brought it back inside though! Bless him

Hope the cat on the fence gets some warmth soon, poor thing  :(
« Last Edit: December 02, 2010, 12:15:04 PM by Cooper & Peanut, Reason: Spelling »

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Re: Why don't people keep their cats inside in this weather?
« Reply #8 on: December 02, 2010, 12:13:14 PM »
mine do go out but not for very long, well Amber doesn't she is a girl of summer  :naughty:

Kylie is a real summer girl - you can't get her in between april & spetember  :Luv2:

There is a massive difference between a cat going out for a mooch than ones that are shut out day & night like these 2 poor babies  :(

I believe I am not interested to know whether Vivisection produces results that are profitable to the human race or doesn't. To know that the results are profitable to the race would not remove my hostility to it.  Mark Twain


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