Nooo, they get told off and deterred from scratching furniture. But I'd never feel it acceptable to alter their physical attributes purely to ensure they didn't. They're worth much more to me than that.
I've had a foster rat chew through cables when she was wandering and all sorts. Comes with the territory of sharing your home with animals. If you can't deal with it, don't.
When ember came to live with us she destroyed my dad's table and chairs ... I just used paws away and told my dad I would replace it when we moved (but he is a softer touch than me
and just looked at Ember and said he could even be angry with her
) and Indie chewed through most of our wires and my partner had to repair them but then he would look at us with huge baby eyes and we melted like a pound of butter
Indie's new obsession is my laudry basket BTW
Fig actually chewed wires and peed around the house for a while when she first came to us but I couldn't imagine being without them so none of that matters
You have to expect that an animal with claws and teeth is going to use them!! Why change anything about a creature so majestic and amazing