so... been away this weekend as had family things arranged and a wedding back in my old home town Reading. Have had a few Thimble calls over the weekend, three have turned out to be definitely not her, and two were only brief sightings and no pics so will chase them up tomorrow.
It made me feel guilty being away when people called but we'd already booked everything (two hotels) and arranged to see people and I suppose my life can't be put on permanent hold. Maybe some of you won't agree with this, and if she'd been just come back before we went I would have cancelled, not left her here alone but I need to get a balance of searching and still working/seeing people. My work has really suffered already and I'm in danger of getting into trouble so it's a tricky time. Sadly not everyone understands how upsetting and stressful losing a cat is.
So we'll be checking on our posters tomorrow and visiting the two areas a cat was sighted and making sure there's posters there. One very positive call today, it wasn't thimble, but the family had looked after a stray and even had it spayed, I was pleased someone was being so responsible!
I also had a call from the evil house where the woman was really rude. the husband rang to say he thought he's seen Thimble, but then popped round to the flat (we weren't in ) and saw her photo on our door and realised it wasn't her. But I imagine he felt guilty his wife was so unhelpful! ha! Also another neighbour I wrote a note to rang to say she double checked her garage and there was definitely no cat. Reassured me at least.
So my hope continues, still getting calls so I think I shall repeat the newspaper adverts again as they seem to attract attention at least, as we can't put posters on EVERY corner!