I woke up about 5am this morning and the pair of them were up and about. As it was a bit nippy, I decided to get up and switch the heating on. I thought that would attract Jaffa back onto the bed as there is a radiator next to the bed, and encourage him to have a bit more sleep! Wrong. I thought world war 3 was going to break out as the pair of them fought over who got to lie where
Jaffa sat on his heat pad at the bottom of the bed (by the radiator) so Mosi came a few minutes later and lay down on Jaffa's bottle (now cold obviously) which is at the top of the bed (also by the radiator). That was when world war 3 nearly broke out as Jaffa decided he could not allow that and Mosi decided he wasn't budging. It would have been funny if it hadn't been 5am. As sitting on Mosi wasn't working, Jaffa resorted to sulking and whining like a petulant toddler. Even when Mosi moved down the bed a bit later on, Jaffa still wasn't happy. Too close apparently! Jaffa is not prepared to share the radiator with Mosi. It's long enough for both of them and I'm sure that if Jaffa had got himself settled on his bottle before Mosi beat him to it, he'd have been ok with Mosi lying on the bed further down. Needless to say, I got no further sleep and felt like banging their heads together.