When I was a lad,my family had dogs,Spaniels,gun dogs.My step mother/witch* hated cats & it sort of rubbed off on me.Now I have never been cruel to cats,when I saw a cat in the garden,I'd lob a sod of earth at it to scare it away.
However,when I got my old & best mate Orbit,that changed.Cats are magical creatures.I mean for example,Daisy is curled up on my lap asleep after a feed & a wash.It's taken me two hours near as dammit to watch the Apprentice I Sky+'d the other day!!
I've paused it soo often just to watch Daisy I've lost count!I couldn't imagine life now without a cat in it!! Hell,Orbit split up a a relationship with my ex!
Cats rock!
* delete as applicable.Mom died in 73,I was 10y/o.Never got on with the step princess!
(and yes,I'm mildly pished!)