As the boys have been poorly lately I've been putting them in the living room overnight with their litter trays etc to limit any potential damage if they have more explosive diarrhoea.
I'm on night shifts at the moment so set up the webcam so I can check what they're up to on my break. I didn't realise until now but you can 'video stitch' all the images taken together to make a little video
I'd set the webcam to take images every 5 mins so it's only a short video of less than 2 mins that condenses what they got up to.
So, while this isn't the most exciting video it shows that cats really don't get up to much in their owners absence! The cutest part was that at 06:47 the boys were expecting me home and waited patiently by the door for me
I don't always work nights so they are very clever to know when to expect me
Click on the pic to start...