Author Topic: Neko!  (Read 11673 times)

Offline Fire Fox

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Re: Neko!
« Reply #61 on: October 20, 2010, 22:40:25 PM »
Thanks Firefox, it was in response to something youd said before that i brought the pro-kolin tube hes on now which is his second course and started after antibiotics finished. thats very interesting about freeze dried and wet forms. i think ill get some Lacto-B in and even if it doesnt help its bound to be used at some point  ;D
Am i reading right that it is best stored in the fridge? ( not a problem but just want to check!)
Is there anything else i can do/should do that you think might help? ive been quite lucky before and even the fosters with dodgy tums have cleared up within the week.

You are welcome!  :) Yes, freeze-dried probiotics usually need to be refrigerated after opening as warmth/ damp could make them grow and then die (do check the manufacturers guidelines). Diet-wise I can't imagine you can extrapolate from humans to felines, my feeling would be to go for foods Neko is used to (unless the vet recommends otherwise).

There is some evidence that omega-3 (fish body oils) can be beneficial in human IBS due to their anti-inflammatory effects, BUT of course cats have different nutritional needs. As you have not had Neko long you won't know whether he easily digests cat food based on oily fish (pilchards, sardines, salmon, not tuna). With Noah I know too much fish makes his poop slightly loose and :sick: which could easily make you think Neko is still unwell!  :doh:

Noah's poops are most firm when he has raw, obviously I am not suggesting going the whole hog  :rofl: but a small portion of fresh mince might be ok? Obviously human mince is not complete nutritionally for a feline, but that won't harm short term. Offal is considered to be quite 'rich' and if Noah ever hacks anything back it tends a furball containing a little bone so I'd leave those out for an experiment. That is not a recommendation, just an option IYSWIM.
« Last Edit: October 20, 2010, 22:47:40 PM by Fire Fox »
:'( My beautiful Noah rescued 13/02/09, adopted 11/10/09, taken 11/02/11 :'( You deserved so much more.
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Offline snarf

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Re: Neko!
« Reply #60 on: October 20, 2010, 18:37:03 PM »
Thanks Firefox, it was in response to something youd said before that i brought the pro-kolin tube hes on now which is his second course and started after antibiotics finished. thats very interesting about freeze dried and wet forms. i think ill get some Lacto-B in and even if it doesnt help its bound to be used at some point  ;D
Am i reading right that it is best stored in the fridge? ( not a problem but just want to check!)
Is there anything else i can do/should do that you think might help? ive been quite lucky before and even the fosters with dodgy tums have cleared up within the week.

Offline Fire Fox

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Re: Neko!
« Reply #59 on: October 20, 2010, 13:48:52 PM »
Thanks Fire fox- i read your advice on Helens thread, Neko was on Pro-Kolin while on antibiotics and had solid poo the last day of pro-kolin but then 2 more days of antibiotics (accompanied by diarrhoea) so i brought another tube but its only 5/6 days worth, do you think lacto B is better or should the one course be enough if thats the problem? he was on RC sensitive pouches during the first course of pro-kolin but only 2 pouches a day which is just not enough food. vet has said he doesnt need the sensitive food anymore (suppose he needs to eat normal food sometime)

My background is human healthcare and obviously Helen - and many other Purrs regulars - has experience of using these specific products. If you have the Prokolin in stock, you can get it into Neko and the result is firm poops great, if you can't switch to LactoB.

Probiotic bacteria are far more stable in a freeze dried format (for humans capsules) than in a liquid format (for humans those dairy drinks). Similarly I suspect something like LactB will contain more viable bacteria per dose than Prokolin, but you may wish to check that with VetUK or the manufacturers themselves. Prokolin was probably recommended by your vet because it contains kaolin which helps to reduce nausea and firm up poops, plus pectin (a prebiotic) which feeds the friendly bacteria.

Each dose of antibiotics will wipe out the gut flora, so probiotics need to be given for several days after the course has been completed/ injection has worn off so, yes, you will need a second course of Prokolin and/ or some LactoB or other similar product. It's usual to store freeze-dried probiotics in the fridge and they can then remain live for long periods. So if you do have to buy some LactoB  you will have it available if you wish to give a 'top-up' course in the future. It's advisable to take probiotics with food, as stomach acid is particularly efficient at killing bacteria ... and cats have more acidic gastric juices than us! :doh:
:'( My beautiful Noah rescued 13/02/09, adopted 11/10/09, taken 11/02/11 :'( You deserved so much more.
Lulu's Catbook

Offline Tiggy's Mum

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Re: Neko!
« Reply #58 on: October 19, 2010, 22:36:03 PM »
It's the same stuff, just that the tub works out loads cheaper - the dose is 2g a day split over how ever many meals he'd normally have. Don't think it 'expires' after opening, it just says store in a cool dry place.

Offline snarf

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Re: Neko!
« Reply #57 on: October 19, 2010, 22:21:31 PM »
Thanks Helen  :hug: tbh i dont think hes as bad as Riley and Lu and at least theres only one of him! plus its been the case since his arrival so its expected every day now, i think you worry more when a previously healthy cat develops this sort of problem.

whats the difference between the 2g sachets and the the tub of Lacto B? is it 2g a dose/day? does it expire quickly once open

'kitty face paints'

lol, er yes, i can see why, the first course Neko would have quite happily licked from the tube, poor lad was so hungry. this course has to have a spoonfull of food dumped on top and then hell eat it.

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Re: Neko!
« Reply #56 on: October 19, 2010, 22:00:52 PM »
I didn't realise Neko was having tummy troubles too  :hug:

My vets kept suggesting Pro-kolin but to me it's just another name for 'kitty face paints' and end up in a stressed cat and stressed me! The lacto-B is an odourless tasteless powder so can just be sprinkled on food, when I told my vets I had some Lacto-B they were happy for that to be given instead of pro-kolin.

Hope his tummy troubles resolve themselves quickly  :hug:

Offline snarf

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Re: Neko!
« Reply #55 on: October 19, 2010, 21:29:42 PM »
If Neko has had antibiotics that will have wiped out the entire gut flora, so a course of probiotics - LactoB etc. - may well clear/ improve the diarrhoea if you haven't already tried that?

Thanks Fire fox- i read your advice on Helens thread, Neko was on Pro-Kolin while on antibiotics and had solid poo the last day of pro-kolin but then 2 more days of antibiotics (accompanied by diarrhoea) so i brought another tube but its only 5/6 days worth, do you think lacto B is better or should the one course be enough if thats the problem? he was on RC sensitive pouches during the first course of pro-kolin but only 2 pouches a day which is just not enough food. vet has said he doesnt need the sensitive food anymore (suppose he needs to eat normal food sometime)

Offline Fire Fox

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Re: Neko!
« Reply #54 on: October 19, 2010, 21:11:29 PM »
If Neko has had antibiotics that will have wiped out the entire gut flora, so a course of probiotics - LactoB etc. - may well clear/ improve the diarrhoea if you haven't already tried that?
:'( My beautiful Noah rescued 13/02/09, adopted 11/10/09, taken 11/02/11 :'( You deserved so much more.
Lulu's Catbook

Offline snarf

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Re: Neko!
« Reply #53 on: October 19, 2010, 20:48:28 PM »
Well political correctness vets comment on yesterdays checkup was "well, hes just abit spakkers"   :P which is blinding but she does seem to genuinely care about helping him get better and is very thorough which is the important thing. Neko likes her- rolling about on his back on the table.
Vet says his wounds are healing nicely, his faecal scans came back clear of all nasties so head tilt/brain damage is most likely a birth defect (like the curved spine) or result of poisoning so is unlikely to improve. i dont think its limiting him in any significant way at all, he gets about fine and is very bright and playful. He is clear for toximasplosis so have started introductions :) lucifer and sparecat are delighted.... :shify: theyve been good actually, lots of blinking  ;D
His weight has improved from 2.6kg to 3.4kg (but with fuller stomach) which is excellent considering his tum is still runny- vet says that hes fine on the food he on (bozita), might just take some time to settle down so to see in 2-3 weeks which is when she thinks his weight will be ok for neutering. she would ideally like him to weigh about 4kg for the op and said that if his digestion hasnt improved by then it would be an ideal oportunity to check that everythings where it should be and no blockages etc as theyll be in ln looking for his retained testicle anyway. shes said that as long as hes drinking and eating nomally and bright in himself the diarrhoea isnt a problem, but i would guess that is because hes already had antibiotics and tests etc.
in himself, hes such a joker! endlessly playing and so very sweet.  :Luv2: instead of meow he makes this lovely range of trill and warbles.lovely sound.  i really cant wait for him to be well and totally settled.
« Last Edit: October 19, 2010, 22:03:04 PM by snarf »

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Re: name suggestions please!
« Reply #52 on: October 08, 2010, 16:38:05 PM »
Vet thinks hes been cast out by a breeder for being "broken"  >:( hes not broken at all hes my perfect neko  :Luv2:

Hear, hear  :Luv2:

Offline snarf

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Re: name suggestions please!
« Reply #51 on: October 08, 2010, 15:35:13 PM »
forgot- when i took him in  i thought his spine looked like it wasnt straight so checked with the vet today. it is indeed curved (it sort of dog-legs if that makes sense) but vet thought was unrelated to the head tilt and tremors. as the tremors have abated (tbh ive not noticed any so they only occured at the vets  :shify:) vet thinks poisoning/toximaplosis more likely than brain damage following an accident which was the previous veterinary opinion. the good news is that the vet has confirmed that whatever his problems, hes coping well, is mobile and is suitable for a normal home  :wow:]
Vet thinks hes been cast out by a breeder for being "broken"  >:( hes not broken at all hes my perfect neko  :Luv2:

Offline snarf

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Re: name suggestions please!
« Reply #50 on: October 08, 2010, 15:21:34 PM »
I LOVE the name Maneki Neko  :Luv: Just make sure you pronounce it correctly!
Neko is pronounced neh-ko rather than nee-ko  ;) Thats if you want to say 'cat' anyway, if you say it nee-ko it would be the japanese word Niko which means 'smile'  :)

i do quite like nee-ko , smile would also be an ace name for him  :Luv: hes such a happy boy
how should maneki be pronounced? t'internet told me Ma-Neck-ee?
im soo jealous that you can speak any japanese. id love to. any language where cat and smile are so similar is worth learning!

 ;D You're almost right with the pronunciation of maneki, its more ma-neh-kee
im lingually impaired but however i try to say those they sound the same to me- unless i gap between the sylabuls (sp??) is it just less emphasis on the K on the correct pronounciation? cor this is hard!
ive started thinking of him as smile-cat  :wow:  :Luv:

Offline Cooper & Peanut

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Re: name suggestions please!
« Reply #49 on: October 07, 2010, 12:35:13 PM »
I'm only jealous  :shify:

Offline Lindsey (thefunkyinuit)

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Re: name suggestions please!
« Reply #48 on: October 07, 2010, 12:33:12 PM »
I LOVE the name Maneki Neko  :Luv: Just make sure you pronounce it correctly!
Neko is pronounced neh-ko rather than nee-ko  ;) Thats if you want to say 'cat' anyway, if you say it nee-ko it would be the japanese word Niko which means 'smile'  :)

i do quite like nee-ko , smile would also be an ace name for him  :Luv: hes such a happy boy
how should maneki be pronounced? t'internet told me Ma-Neck-ee?
im soo jealous that you can speak any japanese. id love to. any language where cat and smile are so similar is worth learning!

 ;D You're almost right with the pronunciation of maneki, its more ma-neh-kee

Alright Lindsey, no-one likes a show-off  :evillaugh:





Offline Cooper & Peanut

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Re: name suggestions please!
« Reply #47 on: October 07, 2010, 12:10:23 PM »
I LOVE the name Maneki Neko  :Luv: Just make sure you pronounce it correctly!
Neko is pronounced neh-ko rather than nee-ko  ;) Thats if you want to say 'cat' anyway, if you say it nee-ko it would be the japanese word Niko which means 'smile'  :)

i do quite like nee-ko , smile would also be an ace name for him  :Luv: hes such a happy boy
how should maneki be pronounced? t'internet told me Ma-Neck-ee?
im soo jealous that you can speak any japanese. id love to. any language where cat and smile are so similar is worth learning!

 ;D You're almost right with the pronunciation of maneki, its more ma-neh-kee

Alright Lindsey, no-one likes a show-off  :evillaugh:


Offline Lindsey (thefunkyinuit)

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Re: name suggestions please!
« Reply #46 on: October 07, 2010, 12:06:51 PM »
I LOVE the name Maneki Neko  :Luv: Just make sure you pronounce it correctly!
Neko is pronounced neh-ko rather than nee-ko  ;) Thats if you want to say 'cat' anyway, if you say it nee-ko it would be the japanese word Niko which means 'smile'  :)

i do quite like nee-ko , smile would also be an ace name for him  :Luv: hes such a happy boy
how should maneki be pronounced? t'internet told me Ma-Neck-ee?
im soo jealous that you can speak any japanese. id love to. any language where cat and smile are so similar is worth learning!

 ;D You're almost right with the pronunciation of maneki, its more ma-neh-kee

Offline snarf

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Re: name suggestions please!
« Reply #45 on: October 07, 2010, 07:52:52 AM »
I LOVE the name Maneki Neko  :Luv: Just make sure you pronounce it correctly!
Neko is pronounced neh-ko rather than nee-ko  ;) Thats if you want to say 'cat' anyway, if you say it nee-ko it would be the japanese word Niko which means 'smile'  :)

i do quite like nee-ko , smile would also be an ace name for him  :Luv: hes such a happy boy
how should maneki be pronounced? t'internet told me Ma-Neck-ee?
im soo jealous that you can speak any japanese. id love to. any language where cat and smile are so similar is worth learning!
« Last Edit: October 07, 2010, 07:55:34 AM by snarf »

Offline Cooper & Peanut

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Re: name suggestions please!
« Reply #44 on: October 06, 2010, 23:44:36 PM »
You speak the language then???  :-:

Haha! I wish! I can start up a conversation and know odd words and sayings but thats about it!
I did a 10 week course in college - its a really hard language to learn!
I can only read romaji - don't have a clue when it comes to kanji, hiragana & katakana - looks like squiggly lines to me  :innocent:

Cool!  ;D

I want to learn Italian. My grandad was from Tuscany and I feel I owe it to him to somehow carry on the italian vibe!  :naughty:

Offline Lindsey (thefunkyinuit)

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Re: name suggestions please!
« Reply #43 on: October 06, 2010, 23:38:23 PM »
You speak the language then???  :-:

Haha! I wish! I can start up a conversation and know odd words and sayings but thats about it!
I did a 10 week course in college - its a really hard language to learn!
I can only read romaji - don't have a clue when it comes to kanji, hiragana & katakana - looks like squiggly lines to me  :innocent:

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Re: name suggestions please!
« Reply #42 on: October 06, 2010, 23:32:33 PM »
You speak the language then???  :-:

Offline Lindsey (thefunkyinuit)

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Re: name suggestions please!
« Reply #41 on: October 06, 2010, 23:29:53 PM »
I LOVE the name Maneki Neko  :Luv: Just make sure you pronounce it correctly!
Neko is pronounced neh-ko rather than nee-ko  ;) Thats if you want to say 'cat' anyway, if you say it nee-ko it would be the japanese word Niko which means 'smile'  :)

Really? I got it off a cat name website and thats how they said you say it!  >:(  I shall be writing them a strongly worded letter!  :evillaugh:

Hehe! Yeah, I think its a pretty common mispronunciation  :)

Offline Cooper & Peanut

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Re: name suggestions please!
« Reply #40 on: October 06, 2010, 23:27:30 PM »
I LOVE the name Maneki Neko  :Luv: Just make sure you pronounce it correctly!
Neko is pronounced neh-ko rather than nee-ko  ;) Thats if you want to say 'cat' anyway, if you say it nee-ko it would be the japanese word Niko which means 'smile'  :)

Really? I got it off a cat name website and thats how they said you say it!  >:(  I shall be writing them a strongly worded letter!  :evillaugh:

Offline Lindsey (thefunkyinuit)

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Re: name suggestions please!
« Reply #39 on: October 06, 2010, 23:25:15 PM »
I LOVE the name Maneki Neko  :Luv: Just make sure you pronounce it correctly!
Neko is pronounced neh-ko rather than nee-ko  ;) Thats if you want to say 'cat' anyway, if you say it nee-ko it would be the japanese word Niko which means 'smile'  :)

Offline Cooper & Peanut

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Re: name suggestions please!
« Reply #38 on: October 06, 2010, 22:53:36 PM »
Shows we are both clever and fluent in Japanese. :rofl: Hope whenever I get a new additition it already has a name!!  :)

Maybe we should go into business together - naming other folks' cats!  :evillaugh:

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Re: name suggestions please!
« Reply #37 on: October 06, 2010, 21:33:18 PM »
Shows we are both clever and fluent in Japanese. :rofl: Hope whenever I get a new additition it already has a name!!  :)

Offline Cooper & Peanut

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Re: name suggestions please!
« Reply #36 on: October 06, 2010, 18:56:35 PM »
Glad we could help! Its such a ballache choosing names!  :shify:

Offline snarf

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Re: name suggestions please!
« Reply #35 on: October 06, 2010, 18:54:19 PM »
[Great choice (if I do say so myself..  :evillaugh:) Do I win a prize???  :rofl:

erm my gratitude? also youd have to share any prize with nickynoo who also suggest neko...

I suggested it first... :evillaugh: :evillaugh:
fair point, although i should point out i intend to register him as maneki neko and call him neko as it will amuse me to laugh at the vet  :evillaugh:
in all seriousness thank you guys for the help, id have never come up with such good names on my own!  :thanks:

Offline Cooper & Peanut

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Re: name suggestions please!
« Reply #34 on: October 06, 2010, 18:52:37 PM »
My quoting went abit awry there.... :Crazy:

Offline Cooper & Peanut

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Re: name suggestions please!
« Reply #33 on: October 06, 2010, 18:48:10 PM »
[Great choice (if I do say so myself..  :evillaugh:) Do I win a prize???  :rofl:

erm my gratitude? also youd have to share any prize with nickynoo who also suggest neko...

I suggested it first... :evillaugh: :evillaugh:
« Last Edit: October 06, 2010, 18:48:43 PM by KookyPoss (Hayley) »

Offline snarf

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Re: name suggestions please!
« Reply #32 on: October 06, 2010, 18:44:47 PM »
i like merlin but it feels wrong for him. its hard to explain.

 :yayyy:  :yayyy:

Great choice (if I do say so myself..  :evillaugh:) Do I win a prize???  :rofl:

erm my gratitude? also youd have to share any prize with nickynoo who also suggest neko....

I vote: Simon

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Re: name suggestions please!
« Reply #31 on: October 06, 2010, 17:53:02 PM »
Pah! Simon Shmimon... :evillaugh:

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Re: name suggestions please!
« Reply #30 on: October 06, 2010, 17:51:21 PM »
I vote: Simon

Offline Cooper & Peanut

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Re: name suggestions please!
« Reply #29 on: October 06, 2010, 09:21:32 AM »
i like merlin but it feels wrong for him. its hard to explain.

 :yayyy:  :yayyy:

Great choice (if I do say so myself..  :evillaugh:) Do I win a prize???  :rofl:

Offline snarf

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Re: name suggestions please!
« Reply #28 on: October 06, 2010, 08:02:45 AM »
i like merlin but it feels wrong for him. its hard to explain.

He still looks like a mischeivous Sprite to me.

in a past life he probably was, little  :censored: keeps climbing up me, i look like ive been attacked by a short maniac with a skewer. he always looks so happy while hes at it

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Re: name suggestions please!
« Reply #27 on: October 05, 2010, 22:35:45 PM »
So then Snarf....... :waiting:


What's it gonna be????   :shify:

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Re: name suggestions please!
« Reply #26 on: October 05, 2010, 22:31:13 PM »
He still looks like a mischeivous Sprite to me.
« Last Edit: October 05, 2010, 22:41:41 PM by Pudding »

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Re: name suggestions please!
« Reply #25 on: October 05, 2010, 22:05:15 PM »
 ;D :Luv: corrrrr lovely he be  ;D  :Luv:

I love Merlin is really does look like one  ;D

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Re: name suggestions please!
« Reply #24 on: October 05, 2010, 21:18:38 PM »
I have to say Merlin is an excelelnt name. he looks like a Merlin!

Offline Zenith (Liz)

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Re: name suggestions please!
« Reply #23 on: October 05, 2010, 20:37:23 PM »
or Nelin  :evillaugh:

Offline Cooper & Peanut

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Re: name suggestions please!
« Reply #22 on: October 05, 2010, 18:22:34 PM »
You could combine the two and call him Meko!  :evillaugh:  :rofl:


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