Author Topic: cattery survey  (Read 14139 times)

Offline rebalsi

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  • Slave to: Rufus and Sapphire
cattery survey
« Reply #1 on: September 26, 2010, 07:33:18 AM »

If any of you have time I'd be grateful if you could fill out my survey for my boarding cattery I am planning to open in the Midlands. I am doing it to find out what people want from a cattery and to support an application I am making for grant funding. It is 10 questions long and multi choice so should be quick to do. The link to it is

This is a link to some pics of what the cattery will look like

If anyone has any other comments, I'd be really grateful to hear any feedback so I can take it on board now before I build it! I can't change the actual building now though as it has planning permission



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