Purrs Treasure hunt to raise funds for single run cat rescues -Sunny Harbour, Paws Inn, Eight Lives and Lost cats Brighton with so many needy ones (ave 50 kittens & Cats each) in care at mo.

Basically this is a treasure hunt over the Purrs forum threads to raise funds and to win cat related prizes worth £38.
Prizes are- The new Cat Activity Turn Around toy -
http://www.zooplus.ie/shop/cats/cat_toys/miscellaneous/186668- A Cosy Cat Cave in your choice of pattern (pink, Giraffe or snow leopard) –
http://www.purrsinourhearts.co.uk/catalog/cat-cosy-bedsrugskatkabin-c-53.html?myosCsid=0okuotja2a259c1h8hf1tjfon1and Two catnip knitted toys!!
Donation to take part in the Hunt and raise funds for the rescues£5 to enter. All funds raised to be equally shared over the independent 4 cat rescues above.
Entrance donations currently collecting and up to midnight 30th September. Payout to rescues on 1st Oct.
Can be paid by:-
-By Credit / Debit card or Paypal account by hitting our donation button at bottom of pages via Paypal secure system (please pop in notes "Treasure hunt" or pm me to say you have donated this way )
-By chq - All chgs made payable to "Purrs In Our Hearts" (Please pm me and i can give you Purrs addy to send chq to)
-By Bank transfer to the Purrs bank account. (Please pm me and i can pm you the Purrs bank details)
The HuntThe actual Hunt will start from 1st Oct 7pm when i will PM all entrants the 1st clue.
There will be 16 clues in total for the whole hunt.
Each clue will lead you to a thread about a cat.
Note down the name of that cat and it's 1st letter.
In each thread will be the clue to find the next thread and that cat's name and so on till you have 16 cats names. The clues will be posted in various members posts

on the 1st page of the thread.
Take the 1st letter of each cat's name in the order of clues found.
Once ya have the 16 letters they form a 5 word cat related sentence.
PM me (tan) via my profile or email me at
Purrs@purrsinourhearts.co.uk with your answer -The cat related sentence and the name of the cat in the last clue. (please
do not post your answer in this thread)
The hunt will close on Friday 8th October 7pm. All answers to be emailed or pm'd to me be by Friday 8th October 7pm. (you have a week to complete the hunt at your own pace and time)
All correct answers will be placed in a hat and the winner of the prizes will be picked from all correct answers live online in this thread 8pm 8th October.
That's it

Any questions pop a post in ere and i glad to help