Author Topic: Cat Litter  (Read 6105 times)

Offline Tiggy's Mum

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Re: Cat Litter
« Reply #32 on: October 27, 2010, 13:28:40 PM »
I said that I would report back on my trial of Cats Best Nature's gold so here goes...

The tracking is MUCH better than regular Cats Best Oko Plus. After each visit there's prob 3 or 4 bits on teh litter mat and maybe 2 or 3 bits a little bit further on. They're quite big and pellet-like so they don't seem to spread as far as the regular Cats Best and can be picked up without needing to get the hoover out every few hours!  Clumping and odour control is the same as Oko plus (ie very good) and I still flush the poos with no probs. It's quite expensive at £9 for a small bag but that fills a whole large tray and it really lasts ages as you just scoop the clumps and top up when it's running low. When it starts to look a bit dustier I run it down and clean the whole tray and refill.

Edit to add: If you've got two trays then I'd defo only switch one at a time to see how they get on, you don't want any dirty protests!
« Last Edit: October 27, 2010, 13:33:47 PM by Tiggy's Mum - Helen »

Offline Cat_Crazy

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Re: Cat Litter
« Reply #31 on: October 27, 2010, 02:09:27 AM »
I have been using a litter from Pets At Home. The brand is "Clean n Tidy" - not sure if thats one of their own brands. Anyway it is brilliant. Clumps really well, so you literally are just scooping their business out, while the rest of the litter remains clean and dry. Kitty used to do her business next to the tray if the litter was in the slighest bit wet and since this litter has gone down she  is now going to the trays everytime (famous last words)  :evillaugh: a 7kg bag costs £5.29.

Offline lauriex

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Re: Cat Litter
« Reply #30 on: October 26, 2010, 23:02:57 PM »
I use Pets at Home clumping litter..I have tried numerous litters over the years and PAH's clumping litter is the one that they both like. The really disliked catsan, Lily even started to poo on the floor next to the tray in protest. I also didnt like the way their wee just sat in the bottom of the tray smelling..  :sick:
I also found that a 20L bag of catsan didnt last because I had to completely empty the tray on a daily basis in order to make it fresh and dry for them.
The PAH clumping litter is a fraction of the cost, doesnt smell, clumps brilliantly and is easy to dispose of. I just put it in a nappy sack and turf it out with the rubbish. I know when to empty the tray, because they both let me know when they've been. They stand atthe top of the stairs and miaow until I go up and lift out their business!
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Re: Cat Litter
« Reply #29 on: October 26, 2010, 22:37:09 PM »
I have just put in an order for my usual with R+L products -Precious Cat -doesn''t track much and no smell , clumps lifted out and it doesn''t look used afterwards either.

Offline Claire_smc

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Re: Cat Litter
« Reply #28 on: October 26, 2010, 22:36:15 PM »
I've heard that switching litter is the same as switching food to minimise stress, mix a little bit in with the regular litter first, then gradually increase the amount until it's completely changed. I tried wood pellets once and didn't find it very economical as the soiled bits fell through the litter scoop and I ended up throwing away loads of the fresh pellets trying to scoop it out properly. I prefer Sainsbury's clumping clay, not the Basics one but the one in a blue bag. I tried the cornershop litter once (which was really expensive too) and pouring it into the tray was like setting a smoke bomb off  :tired:

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Offline BazandGem

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Re: Cat Litter
« Reply #27 on: October 26, 2010, 22:13:42 PM »
I use Catsan Hygiene at the moment but we're having major tracking and dust issues as Joey (my longhaired "nephew" cat who's staying with us for a little while) seems to think he has to scoop all the litter out of the tray after every poop  :tired: And as we have black tiles in the hall/kitchen, the tracking is quite noticable! He even managed to bring some up to our bedroom with him the other  night...

So anyway, what would you all say is the best alternative for minimum tracking and smell? And do cats mind having their litter brand changed? I have got 2 trays down although they usually both use the same one, so could try a new type in one for a bit to see how they like it.

Offline Dawn F

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Re: Cat Litter
« Reply #26 on: September 19, 2010, 13:51:22 PM »
I use oko but have gone over to the gold version, it does track less

Offline Janet1

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Re: Cat Litter
« Reply #25 on: September 19, 2010, 13:05:18 PM »
I'm finding Purr and Simple really good, Hubby doesn't even mind it going on the compost heap!

I have never used wood litter so can't comment on flushing it.
I just can't belive the 'lack' of smell.

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Re: Cat Litter
« Reply #24 on: September 19, 2010, 11:06:21 AM »
I use mainly Sophisticat Antibacterial cat litter and did used to use wood based cat litter until my golden oldie had a bout of feline urinary tract disease and afterwards would go any where apart from the litter trays.  I stumbled across the Sophisticat Antibacterial when I went to the wholesalers as they never had any of the wood based in and she immediately started using the litter trays again.

I have tried a couple of times going back to the wood based and she will do her mess outside of the litter tray.  Ok suppose she associates it with the pain she may have had with the urinary tract disease and refuses to use it even if it is just as a back up measure  :rofl:
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Offline jezebel

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Re: Cat Litter
« Reply #23 on: September 19, 2010, 10:56:43 AM »
Never thought I'd be so interested in a thread about cat litter! Having indoor cats is new for me, in the past I've only had to put a tray down when keeping an cat indoors for a short time, so I'm keen to pick up any tips.

I've never heard of litter being flushed before - can wood pellets be flushed? I've been using wood pellets since getting our two girls last week, and I much prefer it to the traditional cat litter I used to buy years ago. It doesn't stick to their paws as much. (I bought one of those little mats you put outside the tray - kind of like a bath mat! - and it's excellent, I swear I saw Drum actually wipe her paws on it the other day!)

Does anyone use litter tray deodoriser - does it work and do most cats not mind it?
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Offline Angiew

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Re: Cat Litter
« Reply #22 on: September 16, 2010, 13:42:01 PM »
we have ordered a couple of bags of purr and simple and judith will be doing trials.

had to laugh, the sample bag was placed on the floor in her cat room and within 30 seconds Princess had ripped it open , followed by the other inmates hoping it was edible.... bag rescued and put in pen while Princess then spent a few minutes pulling the bedding to the front to get at the bag. Princess then placed in another pen..... :rofl:

 wish I'd had a camera.

piccie of Princess and babies when she came in - she was  living in a church yard.

« Last Edit: September 16, 2010, 13:43:06 PM by Angie (covcats) »

Offline Fire Fox

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Re: Cat Litter
« Reply #21 on: September 16, 2010, 01:13:11 AM »
Yes, just flushed some, few pellets stayed at the bottom of the loo but went second time! ;D

Not sure what you mean by pelleted, think so ...........

 :thanks:  for your reply. Okoplus is granular, like large crumbs or small/ soft gravel. Many of the other wood-based litters are pelleted - shaped like miniature Pringles tubes - and cannot often be flushed, either because they are so absorbent they may block the toilet or because they contain chemicals harmful to the environment. Having almost blocked the toilet with litter over a bank holiday weekend, it is not an experience I want to repeat! :rofl:
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Offline Janet1

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Re: Cat Litter
« Reply #20 on: September 15, 2010, 17:52:32 PM »
Sorry, I didn't know you were referring to nut allergies, just using nuts rather than the shells.

I hadn't thought of that.

Offline Desley (booktigger)

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Re: Cat Litter
« Reply #19 on: September 15, 2010, 08:10:02 AM »
I still wouldnt have thought it was suitable for people with nut allergies though.

I have just started using Bob Martin cat litter and am quite impressed - even though it is non clumping, parts of it do clump, and most of the wee is easy to dispose of without emptying the whole tray. I can only use anti-bac or clumping for Buster to hide the smell, and unfortunately OKO just can't mask the smell, I was using Sophisticat but Co-op ran out and this was the alternative - £5.27 for a 20l bag of normal, and they have started selling a clumping for £5.37 for 20l.
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Offline Janet1

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Re: Cat Litter
« Reply #18 on: September 15, 2010, 06:49:30 AM »
I love Oko especially now my OH has built litter houses for their trays to significantly reduce tracking. Longhaired cats with snowshoes + Oko are an 'interesting' mix with a dark red carpet throughout the lounge, stairs and landing   :doh:

It might be a good idea if the stockists of Purr and Simple put the walnut bit in capitals so it stands out. I spotted this litter on Petplanet yesterday however didn't read the info properly and was busy reading about the benefits rather than the blurb about what it was made from and nearly ordered it due to the cheap price, it was only when I was rereading just before ordering that I spotted the bit about walnuts. Cat litter is not somewhere you expect to find nuts  :shocked:

Hi Lottie, it's made from the walnut shells not the walnuts. So recycling the shells.

Offline Lottie (Team Svartalfheim's)

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Re: Cat Litter
« Reply #17 on: September 14, 2010, 19:14:12 PM »
I love Oko especially now my OH has built litter houses for their trays to significantly reduce tracking. Longhaired cats with snowshoes + Oko are an 'interesting' mix with a dark red carpet throughout the lounge, stairs and landing   :doh:

It might be a good idea if the stockists of Purr and Simple put the walnut bit in capitals so it stands out. I spotted this litter on Petplanet yesterday however didn't read the info properly and was busy reading about the benefits rather than the blurb about what it was made from and nearly ordered it due to the cheap price, it was only when I was rereading just before ordering that I spotted the bit about walnuts. Cat litter is not somewhere you expect to find nuts  :shocked:
« Last Edit: September 14, 2010, 19:15:21 PM by Lottie (Team Svartalfheim's) »
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Offline Kirst

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Re: Cat Litter
« Reply #16 on: September 14, 2010, 18:58:31 PM »
Another OKO fan here - not too bad for tracking unless Beavis flufty-paws has been having a dig!

Offline Janet1

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Re: Cat Litter
« Reply #15 on: September 14, 2010, 18:46:33 PM »
Is this new litter pelleted and is it flushable please? We are completely out of OkoPlus and might consider a change if it met our needs. I would scoop the clumps tho, otherwise Noah would put his feet in it when trying to discover Australia covering poops.  :sick:

Yes, just flushed some, few pellets stayed at the bottom of the loo but went second time! ;D

Not sure what you mean by pelleted, think so ...........

Offline Fire Fox

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Re: Cat Litter
« Reply #14 on: September 14, 2010, 18:28:44 PM »
Is this new litter pelleted and is it flushable please? We are completely out of OkoPlus and might consider a change if it met our needs. I would scoop the clumps tho, otherwise Noah would put his feet in it when trying to discover Australia covering poops.  :sick:
« Last Edit: September 14, 2010, 18:29:24 PM by Fire Fox »
:'( My beautiful Noah rescued 13/02/09, adopted 11/10/09, taken 11/02/11 :'( You deserved so much more.
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Offline Angiew

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Re: Cat Litter
« Reply #13 on: September 14, 2010, 13:54:56 PM »
interesting, i had a call a couple of days ago from our orijen supplier asking if they could visit with samples of a new litter they were stocking, made from nut shells. I think they are coming nest week.


Offline Susanne (urbantigers)

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Re: Cat Litter
« Reply #12 on: September 14, 2010, 13:50:17 PM »
What is this tracking that everyone speaks of?  :naughty:

I *really* don't have any ..

Another OKO fan here. It's so perfect that I don't fancy trying anything differently.

Count yourself very luck!

Tracking isn't really the big issue for me anymore now that I have an open tray in the bathroom - Mosi kicks out so much of it that I'd never notice the tracked litter amongst the sand pit he creates in the bathroom.

Offline Gillian Harvey

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Re: Cat Litter
« Reply #11 on: September 14, 2010, 13:28:45 PM »

have just bought a bag of Cats Best Nature Gold as that's meant to track less, will update on my findings here  :evillaugh: If the tracking is no better I'm going to give Purr & Simple a go!

I've recently changed back to Gold as well Helen - it definitely doesnt track as much as the ordinary Cats Best, but it does still track - mind you with 11 mainly longhairs traipsing in and out..... :evillaugh:

I wouldnt use anything other than clumping now either.

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Re: Cat Litter
« Reply #10 on: September 14, 2010, 12:55:34 PM »
What is this tracking that everyone speaks of?  :naughty:

I *really* don't have any ..

Another OKO fan here. It's so perfect that I don't fancy trying anything differently.

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Offline Feline Costumier

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Re: Cat Litter
« Reply #9 on: September 14, 2010, 12:48:02 PM »
I have to use a clumping litter, I've tried various non clumping ones and I can't stand it, I just feel guilty that they'll be digging through their own wee to do their business :sick:

I'm another Cats Best user, it's just so economical and odour free, the tracking is a small sacrifice to make!

Offline Tiggy's Mum

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Re: Cat Litter
« Reply #8 on: September 14, 2010, 11:59:30 AM »
I've not heard of that before, the 'no tracking' sounds very attractive! It says no need to scoop out the wee clumps though, Skim-Out solid waste daily.  P&S will take care of absorbing urine and neutralizing the odor.  No need to scoop out the clumps., don't think I like the idea of that  :sick: Petplanet seem to have started stocking it too (looks very new as Mutley&Mog only started selling it 10th Sept) - free delivery at Petplanet if you spend over £29.

I'm currently using Cat Best Oko plus but have just bought a bag of Cats Best Nature Gold as that's meant to track less, will update on my findings here  :evillaugh: If the tracking is no better I'm going to give Purr & Simple a go!

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Re: Cat Litter
« Reply #7 on: September 14, 2010, 09:10:23 AM »
I don't like clay clumping litter but Cats Best OKO wood clumping is pretty close to perfect IMO  :) - I could never go back to any kind of litter where the wee is left in the tray - unless it was totally changed every day.

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Offline Susanne (urbantigers)

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Re: Cat Litter
« Reply #6 on: September 14, 2010, 08:24:04 AM »
Quote from: Janet1 link=topic=34263.msg608819#msg608819
How nice to find like mined people who don't think I'm crazy ......... :Crazy: ;D

We get excited about poo on here  :shify:

Offline Michelle (furbabystar)

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Re: Cat Litter
« Reply #5 on: September 14, 2010, 08:22:15 AM »
My fav litter is paper but I've not had time to go and get it ....
So I've been using PAH wood pellet litter and I like it alot  ;D

Offline Janet1

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Re: Cat Litter
« Reply #4 on: September 14, 2010, 08:15:59 AM »
I've not heard of Purr and Simple but I do understand your joy at finding one that you like!  ;D

I use Worlds Best after ditching clay clumping and then having a problematic time witih Oko Plus.  I am happy with the WB but wish I could find chick crumbs to try as they would be cheaper.

I'm goint to stock up today on Purr and Simple as it's on offer at Mutley and Mog, I think it will be cheaper in the long run because of the no odour!

I'll shop around and see if I can find it without delivery charge and let you know.

How nice to find like mined people who don't think I'm crazy ......... :Crazy: ;D

Offline Susanne (urbantigers)

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Re: Cat Litter
« Reply #3 on: September 14, 2010, 08:11:53 AM »
I've not heard of Purr and Simple but I do understand your joy at finding one that you like!  ;D

I use Worlds Best after ditching clay clumping and then having a problematic time witih Oko Plus.  I am happy with the WB but wish I could find chick crumbs to try as they would be cheaper.

Offline EffieHodgkinson

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Re: Cat Litter
« Reply #2 on: September 14, 2010, 07:59:03 AM »
I do have a preferred cat litter too... it's tesco value... However they haven't had it in our tesco for literally months.... infuriating!!!
I have had to use clumping which I hate as it seems to smell a lot worse!

Offline Janet1

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Cat Litter
« Reply #1 on: September 14, 2010, 07:47:30 AM »
I found a  cat litter called Purr and Simple, made from nut shells, no tracking and no odour, just brilliant as my older cat is getting very smelly.
Just wanted to share on here as none of my friends 'get' my joy!!!!!


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