thats really interesting about the genes and ghost marking
a solid orange cat would be pretty interesting!
aye, if theres a risk id rather play safe. hes a little love
actually very well behaved. hes got small sort of turbotrack thing which he can play with on his own and lots of toy, he seems to like things that make a crinkly sound and he plays fetch! which is very cute.
he has black whiskers and dark claws- ive not seen it before so as he looks like hes just come down the chimney hes being called sweep for now
vet issue, now ive spoken to my coordinators,
while the vet was preping to take blood from his right forearm she got a nurse to come in and hold him (im not allowed to) and she was holding him badly, unsupported so he was struggling and then vn decided to scruff, but still not supported properly and he starts squawking (like the noise they make if you accidently step on them but over and over) so she takes away all his support and is literally holding him by his scruff!
i step forward to take him off her and she tucked him under an arm and squeezed him to stop him struggling (hes still squawking|) for the vet to actually take blood. when she put him down he had evacuated over VN and i saw a flash of red bottom and VN said to the vet "weve got a prolapse"
that particular vet is normally good and she may well have come straight out and read the nurse the riot act and they had had to fit us in between appointments so couldnt necc get an experienced VN in (i hope shes not 'experienced') which was due to a what looked like work experience muppet on reception
its the practice my 2 are with and im seriously not confident with them anymore. any thoughts?
Sweep is fine in himself now hes home and very sweet. not at all difficult to handle and very happy to be poked at and played with