He's mental thats for sure...like a usual kitten but more agressive (compared to the two moggies ive had in the past) We accept that given he quite large for his age.
He's definitely come out of his shell...the first couple of days he was confident and loving....and relatively 'quiet' in terms of shouting. He's now pretty vocal (we dont mind that, we were expecting it) but still very loving and attentive when we are around.
It's been a few years since I've been in contact with a kitten, but he is already showing a penchant for climbing anything and everything...we got an 'activity centre' for him before he arrived, and he has already got to the top of that....even though the stages are a good 6" taller than he is
On the plus side......he is only really chatty when he is up and active, he seems to look at things and 'chat'...just to see if he gets a reaction...he hasn't missed the litter tray once in six days, and is happy(ish) being held and is VERY happy being groomed....
So all in all we are very happy