As many of you might be aware, Memphis is the King of the Kitty Kopter. I cannot express his love of them, he plays with them for hours, carries it around, takes it to the loo, to the watering hole, to dinner.
Problem is, he's gone and lost his current one
I CANNOT find it anywhere, it has just vanished. It was last seen on Sunday, right around the time I was changing the sheets on my bed which went in the wash ...........
KK normally ends up under some piece of furniture, but I can't find it (I do actually have a high powered torch - now known as MagliteKK, which I use to find KK).
He has a bin FULL of toys, has a confiscation drawer (Da Bird, Da Mousey, about 7 feathers on sticks) but he doesn't want to know any of them at the moment. I got out his feather boa and he just sits and looks. He's just been following me around then sitting and staring at me with his sad face, kind of going "I've been a good please, please may I have my kopter now
" Plus he keeps crying and meowing at me ... he
reallllllllly misses it/wants it, but I can't give it to him as I don't know where it is.
Does anyone have any recommendations as to a toy that he might like? Just something I can get easily or make that might satisfy him. He's got KK's on order. I just didn't think he'd go and lose this one as well (I do believe I have a spot in the house where KK's go to when their time is up .....). He's probably only got a week or two more to go before they arrive. The trouble is he's getting REALLY depressed and miserable the longer he's without it and it's getting quite heartbreaking for me at the moment. He is not a happy chappy
I've never seen him so sad ... I can confirm it is definitely KK related, no health issues.
He likes things that are small (he chews his KK's right the way down) that can be picked up, thrown and be batted around. I've gone through every toy in his toy bin and nothing is cheering him up. I even found the piece of my fish tank that he used to love stealing and playing with, which I confiscated. It's just not doing anything for him .. plus he's trying to chew it down and I don't want him chewing plastic like that.
Your mission should you choose to accept .... Help a Kitty cheer up.