Author Topic: Need a toy recommendation urgently - Memphis is a little depressed  (Read 2435 times)

Offline Susanne (urbantigers)

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Re: Need a toy recommendation urgently - Memphis is a little depressed
« Reply #16 on: July 10, 2010, 11:59:11 AM »
Ah, forgot about the metal bit.

Offline Den

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Re: Need a toy recommendation urgently - Memphis is a little depressed
« Reply #15 on: July 09, 2010, 22:12:34 PM »
Could you take the feather attachment off the da bird stick etc. and let him play with that?   

I had thought of that but discounted it as it has the metal bit on the end with the safety pin bit. Since he will chew it I'd be more comfy with him playing with something a bit safer.

Julie has had a fab idea, so fingers crossed he might be a happy bunny soon (provided the idea works and he falls for it).

Thank you for the offer Gill  :hug: he's not going to need any as he's ordered 6 which will last him a good while. Gonna get him another 6 as well just to be safe lol

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Offline Susanne (urbantigers)

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Re: Need a toy recommendation urgently - Memphis is a little depressed
« Reply #14 on: July 09, 2010, 12:09:00 PM »
Could you take the feather attachment off the da bird stick etc. and let him play with that?   

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: Need a toy recommendation urgently - Memphis is a little depressed
« Reply #13 on: July 08, 2010, 23:39:23 PM »
Mine dont like KK and have one somewhere, do you want it?

Offline Sootyca

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Re: Need a toy recommendation urgently - Memphis is a little depressed
« Reply #12 on: July 08, 2010, 20:52:12 PM »
We have a kitty kopter that has also vanished.  Fortunately mine never took to it so haven't missed it but it's a mystery as to where it is.

Hope you find something to entertain him soon.

Offline Shiroi-Neko

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Re: Need a toy recommendation urgently - Memphis is a little depressed
« Reply #11 on: July 08, 2010, 16:07:11 PM »
Hope it turns up! May be he hid it so you can buy him more :evillaugh:

Offline princessmaizie

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Re: Need a toy recommendation urgently - Memphis is a little depressed
« Reply #10 on: July 08, 2010, 15:45:03 PM »
Hope it shows up!  :hug: to Memphis!!

Offline Den

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Hmmmmm I'm trying to think of all the stupid places I've found things!! Did you flip the mattress could it have got wedged between the mattress and the bed frame and then covered with the fresh sheets?? It's so frustrating when you can't find something you know is in the house!!

No I haven't, that's a brilliant thought. I'll have another look around in the bedroom. He was indicating towards the back of my bedside table but I moved everything from there and pulled it away and it wasn't there. He has been wrong in the past as to where it is.

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Offline princessmaizie

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Hmmmmm I'm trying to think of all the stupid places I've found things!! Did you flip the mattress could it have got wedged between the mattress and the bed frame and then covered with the fresh sheets?? It's so frustrating when you can't find something you know is in the house!!

Offline Den

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No worries!! Just a thought, have you looked inside the rubber bit at the front of the washer (sorry don't know the name of it!) I've often found things there that have gone on the washer by mistake!!  ;D

Yup. I got my granddad to take the whole washing machine apart  :scared: :scared: It's definitely not there. The sheets went straight from the the machine to the line. I'm fairly sure it wasn't mixed up in the sheets. Just don't have a clue where it could possible be. It's not in any pockets either (he won't willingly stop playing with it, so I have to confiscate it when I think he's had enough + bedtime.) I'm 99% sure he was the last one to have it on Sunday.

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Offline princessmaizie

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No worries!! Just a thought, have you looked inside the rubber bit at the front of the washer (sorry don't know the name of it!) I've often found things there that have gone on the washer by mistake!!  ;D

Offline Den

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We have 3 kitty kopters, one is the favourite and has been chewed to death, the other 2 are only slightly used! I could post you one tomorrow if that helps??? All of the favourite toys in our house are from Purrs so can't recommend anything else!!  ;)

Awww, that's so thoughtful of you. Purrs peeps are fab  :hug: :hug: It's ok though, they are on pre-order so he's not got long before he has new ones. Just looking for something that cheer him up for the next few days or up to a week. Thank you for the offer.

This is pretty much day 4 of no KK and he's not great to live with at the moment .. just mopey and sad and he wants me to know just how upset he is. He's just getting more and more clingy (if that's even possible). He's making me feel really guilty every time I look at him  :scared: I've just run out of every idea that will cheer him up. The thing is, not only does he have NEW KK's ordered, he also has cat cubes ordered which I know he will love.

I'm just pulling my hair out as to why he had to lose it so close to getting new ones. Now I know that without one he becomes miserable, so I'm going to have to put one in the first aid kit in case of emergencies  :evillaugh:

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Offline princessmaizie

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Kitty kopters come from the Purrs shop, click on the icon at the top of the page for the full range of toys!!  All the favourites in our house are from the purrs shop!  ;D

Offline cheekycj

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Forgive me....but what is a kitty kopter  :doh:

Sorry to hear of Memphis being off sorts...both mine like a catnip mouse i got them from Wilkinsons...costs about £1.25.  They jump on it, cuddle it, lick it and kick it  :rofl:


Offline princessmaizie

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We have 3 kitty kopters, one is the favourite and has been chewed to death, the other 2 are only slightly used! I could post you one tomorrow if that helps??? All of the favourite toys in our house are from Purrs so can't recommend anything else!!  ;)

Offline Den

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Need a toy recommendation urgently - Memphis is a little depressed
« Reply #1 on: July 08, 2010, 14:02:00 PM »
As many of you might be aware, Memphis is the King of the Kitty Kopter. I cannot express his love of them, he plays with them for hours, carries it around, takes it to the loo, to the watering hole, to dinner.

Problem is, he's gone and lost his current one  :scared: I CANNOT find it anywhere, it has just vanished. It was last seen on Sunday, right around the time I was changing the sheets on my bed which went in the wash ...........  :scared:

KK normally ends up under some piece of furniture, but I can't find it (I do actually have a high powered torch - now known as MagliteKK, which I use to find KK).

He has a bin FULL of toys, has a confiscation drawer (Da Bird, Da Mousey, about 7 feathers on sticks) but he doesn't want to know any of them at the moment. I got out his feather boa and he just sits and looks. He's just been following me around then sitting and staring at me with his sad face, kind of going "I've been a good please, please may I have my kopter now  :(" Plus he keeps crying and meowing at me ... he reallllllllly misses it/wants it, but I can't give it to him as I don't know where it is.


Does anyone have any recommendations as to a toy that he might like? Just something I can get easily or make that might satisfy him. He's got KK's on order. I just didn't think he'd go and lose this one as well (I do believe I have a spot in the house where KK's go to when their time is up .....). He's probably only got a week or two more to go before they arrive. The trouble is he's getting REALLY depressed and miserable the longer he's without it and it's getting quite heartbreaking for me at the moment. He is not a happy chappy  :'( :'( I've never seen him so sad ... I can confirm it is definitely KK related, no health issues.

He likes things that are small (he chews his KK's right the way down) that can be picked up, thrown and be batted around. I've gone through every toy in his toy bin and nothing is cheering him up. I even found the piece of my fish tank that he used to love stealing and playing with, which I confiscated. It's just not doing anything for him .. plus he's trying to chew it down and I don't want him chewing plastic like that.

Your mission should you choose to accept .... Help a Kitty cheer up.

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lay me down take it slow I'm ready to stumble, sing & then swing low
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