I must praise and apologise to my boys for the time they got breakfast yesterday. I shut them in the living room about 5am (they were awake and Jaffa sprayed the wardrobe because I ignored him - tryign to do that now to get him to stop waking up in the night - so I wasn't best pleased and I was in desperate need of a lie in) and hoped they'd let me sleep in to a reasonable hour as I really needed to catch up on my sleep. Eventually I woke and groggilly heard a faint meiow from Mosi. I reckoned it would be about 9am or maybe a bit later and no wonder they were hungry. Looked at the clock and it was gone 12! I can't believe they didn't wake me up sooner. So they got their breakfast at lunchtime. I did feel a little guilty! But before you start feeling too sorry for them, they did have a meal at 10.30pm the night before. Well done, boys!