Hiya my name is sarah. volunteer for my best friends cat sanctuary in annalong co.down. i also take in unwanted animals from buns, piggies, cats, dogs, gerbils etc. anything that comes my way really mind you most of them end up staying with me.
we are midst moving house at the minute which is happening on monday, from belfast to carryduff into a lovely big house for all my furry babies!
When we move and get everyone rounded up we will have 2 buns, 3piggies, 3 cats, dog and hamster plus any more rescues that come my way!!
my first cat abbie is my sweetheart but lives at my mums as shes dead set in her routine, shes black and white and a big baby!
next week (according everything goes to plan) i will be getting one of our long term residents (tortishell called moo moo 2 years old)form the sanctuary coming to live with me. she came from a house where 49 cats had been kept in one room. the cats got removed and 2 of them came to our sanctuary in october 2009. mi mi got rehomed within a few months but moo moo was so shy it was hard to find a home for her. she got rehomed twice i think but brought back as 'things didnt work out' mostly the new owners fault i think! but anyway moo moo is coming to live with us as shes awful good with me because she knows me!
The next cat is baby ellie. she was brought into the sanctuary last week after a lady found her on her doorstep. at 6 weeks old she had an eye out of her head the size of a ping pong ball, green with a little black pupil at the end. and her other eye was completely closed over and sunken in her head. she was totally blind.
they have managed to save the closed eye(so far fingers crossed), but the ping pong ball eye has to come out, and they were trying to get as much antibiotics into her to get the infection out before they operate to take it out, so hopefully the operation can go ahead next week and 10 days after she will homefully be home with mummy. shes black and white but i have not seen her yet as she went straight to the vets and hasnt been out yet as the infection is v contagious!
well think thats the general me!!
hope to get to know yous all soon!!