Author Topic: am I doing right?  (Read 7350 times)

Offline sweepster

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Re: am I doing right?
« Reply #10 on: June 04, 2010, 20:30:09 PM »
Mr Tabbs - I'll just whip him off and bring him back nutless, i am sure his owners if he has any wont notice, as if they really cared they would get him done themselves.

Quote: What if he is positive too? Will they pts someones pet? Abit of a sticky situation to get in to  :scared:

If I'm reading Gail's plan correctly, Mr Tabbs won't be going to Cramar so FIV status is not an issue.  Presumably the vet will ask if Gail wants bloodtests for him prior to neutering, which she can decline.

Gail, in your position I would have another chat with the Cramar people and see what the options are for Sid.  I understand from Shirley's experiences with Cramar that they have a 'halfway house' (and individual pens to allow him to recover from his operation), and with their great knowledge of feral cats they will be able to assess him to see if he needs to remain as a cared-for feral in the paddocks or if he can be brought round with some time and care.  I wouldn't let his unknown FIV status put you off doing this for him.

Offline Michelle (furbabystar)

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Re: am I doing right?
« Reply #9 on: June 04, 2010, 15:43:52 PM »
I would cancel his place at the center
Get a CP voucher to neuter him
and keep doing what you are doing.

My feral, Skaggy cat, lived in a house (a covered littertray lol)  in my garden for years. In the winter I put a heatmat in there (using an extention lead) and then covered the house with layers of towels and black binliners

Offline Millys Mum

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Re: am I doing right?
« Reply #8 on: June 04, 2010, 15:33:43 PM »
Mr Tabbs - I'll just whip him off and bring him back nutless, i am sure his owners if he has any wont notice, as if they really cared they would get him done themselves.

What if he is positive too? Will they pts someones pet? Abit of a sticky situation to get in to  :scared:

If he was a purry, rub round your legs cat, then yes. I would get him in a rescue some how, someone would want him as he is lovely looking, but he is hissy, maybe they could tame him, I honestly dont know. I am thinking long term for him.
Most domestic toms that stray take on some degree of "feral" behaviour. They arent feral just suspicious. I'd put my money on him being someones once loved family pet, he just needs to be neutered to remember that time  :(  have you seen rons post of a very angry cat? he was done and returned and the lady can now fuss him, his behaviour at rons was that of a feral cat!  :Luv2:

Offline Gail Bengal Slave

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Re: am I doing right?
« Reply #7 on: June 04, 2010, 14:49:25 PM »
If he was a purry, rub round your legs cat, then yes. I would get him in a rescue some how, someone would want him as he is lovely looking, but he is hissy, maybe they could tame him, I honestly dont know. I am thinking long term for him.

Mr Tabbs - I'll just whip him off and bring him back nutless, i am sure his owners if he has any wont notice, as if they really cared they would get him done themselves.

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Offline bunglycat

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Re: am I doing right?
« Reply #6 on: June 04, 2010, 14:18:54 PM »
Is there no one else to take him , so if he is tested positive he won''t be put to sleep - he may not be very old and it would be awful for that to happen - i hate they put to sleep just for that when there are homes and places available for them -its just a life lost for nothing , one that could have 10+ happy years .

Offline Gail Bengal Slave

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Re: am I doing right?
« Reply #5 on: June 04, 2010, 14:08:03 PM »
The paddocks is where the feral cats live  - may be they could tame him  I dont know????? -  I cant take him in as I have my 3.   His op would be done at Cramar, they would test him before he could go in the Paddocks due to the 100 feral cats they already have living in there,  it truely is a lovely place for them to go about their business doing as they wish, safely and loved.  If he is Flv + , as he is Feral (due to be alone for so long), what can be done for him??? - they cant put him with the other ferals as he would infect them. Just keep everythig crossed that he will be neg. If he could be domesticated that would be wonderful, I am sure they will know once he is there, just got to find out if there is a place for him, the capture the little tinker, without loosing an arm.  I want him to trust me and know that what I am doing is for his benifit, not to get rid of him or harm him. Just a total mad cat woman. Like all of us here, apart form the males, who are mad cat men  :Luv:

Thing about changing his food, cheaper yes, I will be buying morrisons own to keep him going, but it is long term, what happens when the weather changes?, i have bought him a little house but he hasnt even looked at it. I really feel for him, even my hubby has said awwww, he'd of made a lovey cat  :shocked: will get his pic posted over the weekend. He's grey & white.

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Offline Janeyk

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Re: am I doing right?
« Reply #4 on: June 04, 2010, 14:00:38 PM »
I would probably keep feeding stray puss or get him another rescue tbh or do they all check?

Regarding the other puss Mr Tabbs I'd just get him done - I did with a puss round our way and I didn't know if he had a home I'd paper collared him but nothing came back so I got him nueutered but he was so friendly I tried with paper collar again and I did get a response that time and found out he lived with an elderly lady and her son but they just didn't get him seen to but they were fine about it when I spoke to them And - he doesn't stray now since neutering so you may find that happens, we rarely see him in fact I ring the lady up to ask about him. 
« Last Edit: June 04, 2010, 14:02:25 PM by Janeyk »
Please consider the harder to home cats in rescue.

Offline Michelle (furbabystar)

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Re: am I doing right?
« Reply #3 on: June 04, 2010, 13:30:10 PM »
Why on earth will they PTS if positive does  :censored: annoy me

To be honest Gail, if they PTS he won't know anything about it  :hug:

Having said that, If you are happy to sponser him £5 a month surely it would only cost about the same to carry on feeding him ? (by changing to tinned food)
« Last Edit: June 04, 2010, 13:30:44 PM by Michelle - »

Offline Millys Mum

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Re: am I doing right?
« Reply #2 on: June 04, 2010, 13:19:55 PM »
Will cp be neutering them but not testing or will both be done at the same time? The reason i ask is i have no problem neutering someones cat  :innocent: but you cant really shave its neck and put it back or put it to sleep... that they will notice!
This same dilema came up with tans stray, he was neutered and tested by herself i believe so that if he came up positive she had control over what happens ie he isnt for the chop.

Why will sid need to live in the paddocks? He doesnt sound feral just been living on his wits so very likely to be domestic after neutering  ;D

If having sid tested privately is a problem money wise im sure it can be sorted out, btw im sure he wont mind eating cheaper pouches!  :hug:

Offline Gail Bengal Slave

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am I doing right?
« Reply #1 on: June 04, 2010, 12:39:54 PM »
OK here goes...

I have a stray cat (I have called him sid as he hisses at me), been feeding him properly for two weeks, on and off for several others. Deffo a stray as his white is dirty rather than sparkling, he is white & Grey.

I SO feel for him, last night he was lying on the drive waiting for me, to feed him. OK I dont mind feeding him but, it is the best felix food and i cannot afford to keep it up. SO, I have contacted Cramar to see if they have room in the paddock for him (Paddocks is where the un-homable Feral cats live), here he will be fed and watered and have somewhere to sleep safely. I have said I will sponser him £5 a month if they can take him (I already sponser 2, Safie & Tabbitha £15  a month ).  Janet at Cramar has said to call tomorrow after she has spoken with the trustees to see if they can take him,  if yes I will have to borrow a trap, and get him there. Now comes the BUT..........
He will have blood tests for Lukeimeia and Fleline Adis, if Pos, they wont bring him round :-(.  If it is pos, I will feel like I have killed him, when he has quite happily been fed by me. I have also phoned CPL for a neutering voucher, so it doesnt cost Cramar anything, he would have his op done onsite at Cramar as they have a vets there.

2.  - MrTabbs  - Mr Tabbs is a young tabby boy, with very large nuts, that need whipping off ASAP, for his sake.   I think he does have a home, as he miows at me and I can stroke his head, but why has he still got his nuts if he does ????? , I am fearing the worst for him, I think he belongs to a scruffy home (you know the sort I mean) and they wont get him done and a lovely boy will be spoilt, so I have asked for a second voucher for him. I can just pick him up & pop in the basket. do you think I am doing right.  If he goes home nut-less, will they notice??? . CPL havent got any vouchers in till next week. so they have a week grace.
I took some piic the other day so will get them posted over the weekend.
HELP, I am worrying now  if I am doing right, part says yes the other, feeling what if anything happens, i will be gutted.
« Last Edit: June 04, 2010, 13:19:40 PM by Gail Bengal Slave »

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