I just picked up on this thread and I've snorted with laughter reading it. "Oh no, we're not keeping him....." Bless you Claire Hope the wee man has got over his indignity - he looks like a bit of a would-be cuddlebum. probably just desperately happy after having no-one bothered about him.
Haha was OH who was saying that, I wanted to keep him the moment I saw him
I think what was said earlier about the smell of an unneutered male was right, before he was done Pepsi wouldn't come near me and would wriggle around to be put down if I picked her up, since he came back from the vets she lets me pick her up and has started coming back on my lap for cuddles even if I've just been handling Darcy upstairs
As for Darcy himself, I think he's getting really fed up at being kept upstairs, he's very vocal all the time but normally settles down for a purry snuzzle on my lap when I go in to see him, but for the past few days he's been standing at the door and yelling at me for ages. I want to be able to tell him that he'll only be there for a few more days, he's obviously so used to being outside that I feel awful keeping him cooped up in the bedroom. There's another issue as well, if he stays with us permanently, I'd be scared that if he wanted to go outside he'd never come back as he's used to living outside in our area as a stray.
Oh well, he's going back to the vets tomorrow morning for his post-op checkup, OH said that when he went to pick him up after his op they said his results might be in tomorrow so fingers crossed