I think there is another view of this and thinking of myself particularily..............when Kocka went to the Bridge I was on a small pension cos not old enough to retire but not able to work.
I couldnt drive and to do anything cost a lot of money and had/still have huge debts.
Kocka had to go to Vets Now, her own vet and the cost to me was enormous but within 24 hours I knew I could live without having a cat.
I wanted a pair cos didnt want to end up with none again and it was wonderful Cp who I emailed on that terribly Sunday and within two days I had seen Misa and Sasa, I expected to pay a donation but could not afford much, cos of insurance to set up, food to get etc etc.
The lady who home checked me and took me to see the cats had also recently lost a cat and understood how upset I was but also knew the cost that I was involved with before it dawned on me and I did pay the donation that was asked for but Sasa was given to me, cos she was regarded as unhomeable and they just wanted her off their books really.
If I had been say forced into spending a lot on each cat, they probably would not be here now because I could not afford it at that time.
Also of course I was not aware as many arent,how miuch cat rescue costs and what goes into it and thought possibly as many, that CP got loads of money from donations on a monthly or yearly basis.
Niaive definately, but eternally thankful to that lady who allowed me to regain my life with Sasa and Misa,,,,,,,,,,,and of course I know so much more now after Cat Chat and Purrrs,,,,,,but at that time I was having probs looking after me financially but knew how valuable and necessary insurance was due to Kocka. I cannot even think what may have happened to me but for this lovely lady,