i am ple4ased tghis is now fully in the public domain cos now oeeps will hopefullty think before they donate,
sorry typing sideaways grrrrrr lol
I wonder ifr this means all the small branches will be closed or forced to act in a certain way now, what will happen to cats like MIkey.
The RSPCA cannot prose3cute without a case going through the CPS as we all know cos of the Willow case and CPS would not allow a prosecution!
I think the RSPCA on the whole is just a joke and tthe policing of the really stupid welfare act is the excuse they needed to get out of looking after animals that really need their help.
It seems to me that vets are just going to be asked to put more and more animals to sleep and we are going to see a massive up turn in RTAs, feral populations and stray cats with no homes.
I cant comment on dogs but assume their will be more and more strays pts, whether domesticated dogs will eventually turn wild and run in packs, I dont know.