Ello Biggles and Bunty and Nicky
I wanted to send you some pictures of my lovely turkey but its all in mez tummy
so eres some other pics, I ope aunty Jiji is impressed wiz the one in mez bed.
Now Biggles and Bunty wen you were at the Inn our human gave you a crash course on oceaneering and fishing you dont need turkey
be thankful you ave each other to keep warm, I iz all alone so I ope Aunty T is more thorough with vetting my new owner
especially as someone coming to meet me at 11.30 ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh fink I need to hide in mez bed and keep very quiet then they choose somecat else
I think we all know that aunty Carol is Purrfect
Winston can get overexcited
Yesterday evening Alfie and Archie went to their new home,they have been promised some left over turkey. Today Jemima and Beau are off to their home,we dont usually let them go until after New Year but these are very carefully checked Christmas homes.
Yes someone is coming to view Winston but he is not yet vaccinated so will be here a while longer, I am secretly hoping they will fall for one of holy terrors.
Will have to try and go to vet tomorrow as new girl Megan`s mouth needs checking, will probably also get Winston vaccinated.
Dainty and friends were thrilled with their Kitty scratching post which we won at auction,they`ve almost pulled it apart
Think Julie has taken lots of pics of cats with their Christmas toys which she will post when she can.