Unkle Paddyyy Aunty T is so pleased to be getting a big snoozle from you, have just been stuck on Pen floor like an idiot yet again struggling to get up. Pepsi has just left for her new home and I went out to bag her up armed with a stronghold as she was due one soon, well stronghold done and Pepsi decided enough as I fell over trying to put her in carrier, it was all made worse by Pepsis new owner seeing my plight so very embarassing, anyway I eventually pulled myself up and got Pepsi in her carrier, good job I am always happy.
Andy vet came yesterday and did all the second half vaccinations, he checked over the tiny kittens and Lily and was delighted with their progress. He has confirmed that Twinkle is cerebral hypoplasia and he too swears Minimopsical had a paw in kitten finding her way here. Daisy had a very thorough examination and her pregnancy is progressing fine.
Olly thought he had found another new bed this morning, so wish the camera had been handy, I had been putting laundry away in bedroom and Olly knocked circular basket on its side and lay in it ontop of OH clean socks and handkerchiefs, as he moved the whole basket began rolling along the floor, poor lad shot out at great speed and think I can safely say he wont use that basket again.
Suepoo have a wonderful holiday you deserve it
dont read other thread anymore so am way behind with everything.Please give Padster a special
from me.
Looking forward to seeing the Catnappers tomorrow, have a safe journey everyone and make sure your bags are big enough for me to hide an extra kitty in then I could go on a world cruise, ok I can dream a little