Ellows tiz mez Mr. Morsel, old boot has been packin the fud into my tummy via zat orrible syringe an I ave bin shooting it out ze other end all over me beddin, I dont care old boot bin avin too much rest she needs fitnus instrukter now and zat iz mez Mr. Morsel. I iz going in sink in a minute for botty bath as babywipes are not quite doins me bum cleanin satisfactory, I az a wet and windy problemo now.
I iz brighter but I iz very very poorly, an I know old boot iz very wurried bout me, she az bin up reading on tinternet most of night trying to find somefink opeful bout mez an wot vet finks iz wrong and daft old bat az scared erself to death, gosh youz humans are strange critters
Ok off to ze sink, anyonez tell me wot a sink iz elp
Morsel x