Latest is the cat has gone back to the vet to have an injection to restart labour, and has been told to go back Monday if there are no more kittens. Personally, I'd be hammering on the vet's door to do something before Monday, even if it just meant the vet moving in with me for the weekend to keep an eye on the cat!!
I've just got a feeling the last 2 - if they haven't been eaten, thanks for that
- are going to end up being stillborn but I just hope they're not and that mummy cat will be OK.
One farm cat I adopted had 2 gorgeous kittens, one b&w and the other ginger. Mum was going to have them both and was all excited about a ginger kitten - until mummy cat sat on the ginger one and smothered it. Then ate its head..... She was just too attentive a mother - she refused to let her kittens out from under her for the first couple of days.
I'll update as I hear any more, at least the cat's owner has taken her back to the vet anyway.